Land03512.pngPlacing point of connection objects


Tool set

Point of Connection



The Point of Connection tool places a Point of Connection (POC) object, which represents the source of water for the irrigation system. Normally, there is only one POC for the system. There are two types of POC: service line and custom. A service line has a known and predictable static pressure value. Custom types of POC include pumps and cisterns or other types of water sources.

To place a POC on the drawing:

Click the tool.

Click Point of Connection on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector. Select from one of the point of connection libraries, or select a custom resource from Custom POCs.vwx and set its properties after placement.

Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters.



POC Name

Names the object, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets. Since a POC is designated for use with the Design Zone tool, it is useful to provide a name for the POC object, especially when there is more than one POC for the site.


Adds a note about the object, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets, and also for making notes when saving red symbol definitions



Symbol Name

Displays the name of the symbol used to represent the POC; <default symbol> indicates that the default POC symbol is used

Replace Symbol

Selects a different POC symbol; choose the symbol from the appropriate category

Symbol Scale

Scales the symbol with respect to the layer scale by the specified scale factor; a factor of less than one decreases the size of the symbol, while a factor of more than one increases its size

Show Pressure

Places a pressure label on the drawing

Show Flow

Places a flow rate label on the drawing

Click once to place the POC. If placing the POC over an existing pipe or irrigation pipe network, the connecting pipe is highlighted and the POC is automatically connected to the network.

Adjust the location of the POC labels by dragging the label control point.


The parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette. Available parameters depend on the POC type.



Save Point of Connection

Saves the selected POC as a red symbol definition in the active file; this would typically be done for a POC with modified data

POC Name

Specifies the POC name, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets. Since a POC is designated for use with the Design Zone tool, it is useful to provide a name for the POC object, especially when there is more than one POC for the site.


Adds a note about the object, which is useful for labels, irrigation schedules, and other worksheets, and also for making notes when saving red symbol definitions

Water Source Type

Indicates whether the POC originates from a service line or from a custom water source

Display in Drawing

Select either Design Information or Calculated Information to affect the display of all calculated values and coverage zones in the drawing; see Concept: Design and calculation parameters for irrigation 

Design Information

The POC must be connected to display information

Required Pressure

Specifies the pressure required to operate the zone with the greatest designed pressure requirements

Pressure Differential

Specifies the additional pressure in the designed system once the required pressure has been considered

Pressure differential = output pressure - required pressure

Greatest Zone Flow

Indicates the flow rate needed to operate the zone with the greatest designed pressure requirements

Flow Differential

Reports the additional available flow rate in the designed system once the required flow has been considered

Flow differential = max safe flow - greatest zone flow

Calculated Information

The POC must be connected to display information

Output Pressure

Displays the amount of pressure produced by the POC, depending on the data, and therefore, the water source type

Greatest Zone Flow

Indicates the flow rate needed to operate the zone with the greatest pressure requirements

Flow Differential

Reports the additional available flow rate in the system once the required flow has been considered

Flow differential = max safe flow - greatest zone flow



Output Pressure

(custom water source)

Enter the amount of pressure produced by the POC at all times

Max Safe Flow

(custom water source)

Specify the maximum flow rate safely provided by the POC

Source Static Pressure

(service line water source)

Enter the pressure in the pipes arriving from the water service provider

Service Line Type

(service line water source)

Select the type of service line that runs from the water supply pipe to the irrigation system

Service Line Size

(service line water source)

Select the service line size that can safely be provided by the service line

Service Line Length

(service line water source)

Enter the length of the service line from the source to the POC

Service Line Max Velocity

(service line water source)

Enter the maximum velocity provided by the service line

Source Elevation Change

(service line water source)

Specify the change in elevation from the water source to the POC; if positive, the POC is higher in elevation than the source

Water Meter

(service line water source)

When a water meter is attached to the service line between the source and the POC, select this option and specify the water meter size

Water Meter Size

(service line water source)

Select the size of the water meter from the list, or select Edit List to access the catalog of water meter sizes; see Concepto: uso del catálogo de riego


Adds an informational note to the catalog data


(service line water source)


Line Pressure Loss

Displays the pressure loss for the service line, as determined by the service line type, size, length, and max flow

Elevation Pressure Change

Displays the pressure change due to elevation differences, based on the Source Elevation Change parameter

Meter pressure loss

(water meter)

When a water meter is attached, displays the calculated pressure loss, based on the size of the water meter and the Max Safe Flow

Additional Pressure Loss

Enter any additional pressure loss to be included in the Output Pressure calculation

Output Pressure

Displays the calculated pressure produced by the POC, after modifying the Source Static Pressure by considering values specified or calculated in Line Pressure Loss, Elevation Pressure Change, Meter pressure loss, and any Additional Pressure Loss 

Service Line Max Flow

(water meter)

Displays the maximum flow at which the Service Line Velocity does not exceed the Service Line Max Velocity 

Water Meter Max Flow

(water meter)

Displays the maximum flow rate for the water meter, as determined based on the Water Meter Size and the Source Static Pressure values

Max Safe Flow

Displays the calculated flow rate safely provided by the POC. When there is no water meter, this value represents the maximum flow at which the service line velocity does not exceed the maximum velocity set for the service line. When a water meter is present, displays the lesser value of either the Service Line Max Flow or the Water Meter Max Flow.

Service Line Velocity

Displays the calculated velocity of the service line, based on Max Safe Flow, Service Line Type and Service Line Size 



Symbol Name

Displays the name of the symbol used to represent the POC; <default symbol> indicates that the default POC symbol is used

Replace Symbol

Selects a different POC symbol; choose the symbol from the appropriate category

Symbol Scale

Scales the symbol with respect to the layer scale by the specified scale factor; a factor of less than one decreases the size of the symbol, while a factor of more than one increases its size

Attach Tag/Label

Automatically attaches a Tag/Label object to the object. The last selected tag/label for the object type is applied; click the tag/label to edit its properties (see Adición de rótulos a objetos de riego ).

Show Pressure

Places a pressure label on the drawing

Show Flow

Places a flow rate label on the drawing

Concepto: uso del catálogo de riego

Concepto: creación de redes de riego conectadas

Adición de rótulos a objetos de riego

Creación de zonas de diseño

Irrigation system warnings

Irrigation settings


Using preformatted reports


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