ArchLand02985.pngSite model modification overview


Tool set

Site Modifiers


Site Planning

As discussed in Concepto: generalidades del trabajo en el terreno, when the site model is generated, two different display modes of the site model object are available—existing and proposed. The existing site represents the site prior to your project; the proposed site incorporates the project’s changes. To modify the site model, use the Site Modifiers tool, along with other site modification tools in the Vectorworks program; a site modifier can be applied to either the existing or proposed site model.

The Site Modifiers tool has several modes.




Grade Limit

Defines an area of topographical transition between existing site data and the site modifiers enclosed within the limits


Creates an open path site modifier


Draws a closed area which modifies the site model

Pad with Retaining Edge

Creates a pad with an edge around it, allowing the terrain to be shaped around the pad

Texture Bed

Creates an area of the site model that can be textured

Spoil Pile

Creates an area where excess earth can be used to help balance the cut and fill

Snap to Contour Elevation

Constrains the site modifier to the site model contour elevation under the cursor when the site modifier is created. The contour under the cursor is highlighted, and the elevation of that contour is used as the modifier elevation.

Polyline creation options

Selects the method for drawing the polyline upon which the site modifier is based; see Trazado de polilíneas.


Sets the default preferences for the site modifier

Pad Elev

When creating a pad, pad with retaining edge, contour, or spoil pile, specify the elevation of the site modifier

Site modifiers can be placed on any layer. The site model properties specify whether modifiers in another layer can affect the site model (see Confección del modelado de terreno). You might put various site modifiers on separate layers, for example, so that you can show each modifier’s effect on the site model individually. When a site modifier is placed in the drawing, the Site-DTM-Modifier class is created automatically.

In addition to the site modifiers that are created with the Site Modifiers tool, a number of other tools and commands create objects that can modify the site model.

Creación de bloques o bloques con muro de sostenimiento

Creación de contornos

Creación de límites de pendiente

Creación de áreas de vaciadero

Creación de lechos de textura

Creación de calles

Creación de calzadas con curvas NURBS

Trazado de paredes de paisaje

Diseño de objetos de pavimento

Showing and hiding site modifiers

Corrección de conflictos con modificadores de terreno

Trazado de líneas de propiedad

Cómo analizar el modelado de terreno

Obtaining site model data


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