Design SuiteEditing design layers from a section or elevation view



Edit Viewport


Context menu

You can edit design layers in a live section or in a live elevation while in object editing mode (Vectorworks Architect required). The visual context of the live section or elevation (its view orientation, projection, rendered appearance, and visibilities) matches its source viewport, for a seamless transition to editing. 

While in object editing mode, section viewports offer an additional ability to override viewport display settings for individual 3D objects in the view; see Displaying individual 3D objects in section viewports.

To edit a model in a live section or elevation:

Select a section viewport or interior elevation viewport.

Select the command. The Edit Viewport dialog box opens (see Modifying viewports for a description of the dialog box parameters).

Click Section In-Place for a section viewport, or Elevation In-Place for an interior elevation viewport to enter object editing mode (see Object editing mode).

Alternatively, right-click on a viewport and select Edit Section In-Place, or Edit Elevation In-Place, from the context menu.

The live section or elevation has the same layer and class visibilities as its source viewport. All objects on the viewport’s visible layers are available for editing in-place. Interactively edit the design layers. For example:

Use the Flyover tool and View menu commands to change the view, showing surfaces that may not be accessible from the initial section or elevation view. See Flyover and Using standard views. All standard views are available except for Top/Plan view.

Use the Reshape tool to change object dimensions. See Reshaping objects.

Move an object to a wall on a different layer. See Moving objects. The movement of objects in walls is constrained horizontally. To remove this constraint for a selected wall, click the Reshape tool and click Reshape 3D Walls mode. See Reshaping walls.

Use the Mirror tool to mirror and duplicate objects on multiple layers. See Mirroring objects.

Use the Align/Distribute command to align and distribute objects across layers. See Aligning and distributing objects.


To restore the original view, select Viewport View from the Current View/Standard Views list.

Exit object editing mode to return to the viewport. The viewport updates automatically.

Other viewports may become out of date.

Modifying viewports

Viewport properties

Viewport status

Updating viewports

Creating and editing viewport styles

Viewport styles


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