Inserting magnets based on truss data

Advanced users who create custom content need add magnets for proper truss connections. Magnets can be easily inserted in custom truss content based on the pre-defined truss data. Use the Truss Properties dialog box to automatically insert magnets in a single truss symbol definition. This workflow is recommended when creating new content or updating a single legacy truss. To update a larger body of content, the Update Truss Magnets command inserts magnets in all truss symbols within the active file or the User folder.

Before inserting magnets, make sure the Connection data in the Truss Properties dialog box is valid. If the data is incorrect, you'll need to adjust the magnets for proper truss connections; see Adjusting magnets.

If the truss has a rigid cross-section, inserting magnets automatically or by command will not automatically enable a four-way connection. You must edit the magnet properties as described in Magnet properties to allow 90°, 180°, and 270° roll angles.

Inserting magnets in a custom truss symbol

After creating a new truss symbol, magnets can be automatically added to the symbol definition based on the truss Connection data. This data is specified in the Truss Properties dialog box; see Setting custom truss parameters.

To insert magnets in a single truss symbol definition:

Select a truss symbol instance in the drawing.

Select Customize Truss Symbol Data from the context menu.

The Truss Properties dialog box opens.

Click OK.

An alert opens to confirm that you want to update the truss geometry; click Yes.

Magnets are inserted in the truss symbol definition and every symbol instance in the drawing.

Inserting magnets in legacy truss content


Workspace: Path

Update Truss Magnets

Design Suite: Entertainment > Rigging/Braceworks

Spotlight: Spotlight > Rigging/Braceworks

The Update Truss Magnets command adds magnets to custom content based on the pre-defined truss data. Use the command to quickly insert magnets in truss symbol definitions created prior to Vectorworks 2022. If the truss symbol has unusual custom geometry, such as a grid truss or roof truss, you may need to adjust the magnets after they are inserted; see Adjusting magnets.

To insert magnets in legacy truss symbol definitions:

Select the command.

The Update Magnets dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Insert magnets

Inserts magnets in truss symbols based on the truss connection data.

To specify this data, see Setting custom truss parameters

Refresh magnets

Reserved for internal use

File options

Active document: Updates truss symbols in the current file

Vectorworks library: Reserved for internal use

User content: Updates truss symbols in the User folder

Select Insert magnets.

Select the files to update.

Magnets are inserted in the truss symbol definitions, and every symbol instance, within the selected files.

Concept: Creating a connected rigging system

Creating a custom truss symbol

Placing magnets manually

Adjusting magnets

Placing trusses

Concept: Truss magnets


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