Design SuiteDoor settings

You can create plug-in objects with a combination of parameters that are determined by the manufacturer’s catalog item, by style and/or by instance, and then optionally save them as a plug-in object style. Catalog parameters have a fixed value established by the manufacturer and cannot be edited by the user. Style parameters have a fixed value established by the style; instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing (see Concept: Plug-in object styles).

Additional plug-in object settings for the class, the 2D component and cut plane display, and wall insertion are available; see Additional plug-in object style and instance options.

Door settings: Overall

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Use Style

From the Resource Selector, double-click a resource to activate it, or click Unstyled. If a styled object is converted to unstyled, the current values are retained, but all parameters are set to By Instance to allow editing.

By Style/Instance/Catalog

A graphic indicates whether each parameter within the style is set to By Catalog and defined by the catalog item, set to By Style and given a fixed value by the user, or set to By Instance and editable in the dialog box. An object style may have a combination of all three of these settings, to balance the need for consistency and flexibility.

By Style/Instance/Catalog settings are established by the style and cannot be changed from the settings dialog box.


To edit the object style, see Editing plug-in object styles; editing the style modifies all plug-in objects in the file that use the style.

Select from Catalog


If the catalog item is set by instance, opens the Catalog dialog box for Selecting catalog items for plug-in object styles. If a current catalog item is associated with the style, static text displays the item’s description.

The catalog item itself can be set to By Style (to ensure that all objects using that style use the same catalog item) or to By Instance (if, for example, different sizes of the otherwise identical object require different catalog items).

3D Preview

Dynamically displays a 3D preview of the door with the currently selected parameters; the door's exterior side faces the Front view


Select the standard view for the 3D preview of the door


Select the render mode for the 3D preview of the door


Select the detail level for the 3D preview of the door

Top/Plan Preview

Dynamically displays a Top/Plan preview of the door with the currently selected parameters; the door's exterior side is toward the bottom


Select the detail level for the Top/Plan preview of the door

Door settings: General pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Size Reference

Select the appropriate option to define the door width and height; the Size Reference selection automatically updates the Width and Height fields, but does not change the size of the door:

Leaf Size: this represents the door width and height that measures to the inside of the frame, excluding the frame, transom, and sidelights; this is the default setting for imperial units.

Unit Size: this represents the current overall door width and height that measures to the outside of the frame, including the frame, transom, and sidelights.

Rough Opening: this represents the current overall door width and height that measures to the outside of the frame, including the frame, transom, sidelights, and shim gap (for the Opening Configuration, the Size Reference is automatically changed to Rough Opening); this is the default setting for metric units.


The width/height of the door is measured based on the Size Reference selection:

Leaf size: width/height of the door leaf is measured at the inside of the frame.

Unit Size: width/height is measured at the outside of the frame.

Rough Opening: width/height measures the rough opening.

Use symbol geometry

Select Use symbol geometry. From the Resource Selector, double-click a symbol to apply it.

The symbol name displays and the preview is updated with the selected symbol.

When a symbol is selected, all fields pertaining to the door’s geometry are overridden by the symbol geometry; however, parametric values are still available for scheduling and reporting purposes only.

Top Shape

Select the shape of the top of the door, as viewed from the exterior side

Include transom

Adds a transom above the door; transom parameters are set from the Transom pane


Enter the distance between the start of the top shape to the top of the door (not applicable for Square and Round Top Shape)


Enter the distance traveled above the floor before the Top Shape begins

Insert Relative to

Specify whether the insertion point is relative to the exterior face, center, or interior of the frame.

Additional wall insertion options are available, as described in Additional plug-in object style and instance options.

Offset in Assembly

Reserved for future use

Curtain wall door

Indicates that the door will be placed in a curtain wall, where its width and height are based on the surrounding frames where it is placed. A curtain wall door does not have as many available parameter options as a standard door. Configurations are limited to those that apply to curtain wall placement.

Create niche for Space objects

Creates niche geometry that space objects can include in their net boundary areas; see Space settings: 2D Boundaries and Area pane

Interior Side

Select which side of the wall the door considers the interior side, for the purpose of defining handing- and location-related settings such as leaf, hinge, frame, and trim location and open direction. This relates to the door settings only and does not change the wall's direction; see Wall direction.


Select the general door configuration. To create a simple opening in a wall for defining a door break without creating any geometry to represent the door, select the Opening option. Depending on the selection, a variety of door settings are enabled or disabled automatically, as described in the following sections.


Select the advanced operation for the Configuration. For sliding and swing doors, "O" represents a fixed door and "X" represents an operating door.

Additional parameters

The available parameters related to door leafs, hinge sides, locations, and open/swing directions depend on the selected Configuration and Operation. For parameters with left/right settings, those directions are as viewed from the exterior side.

Many of these parameters, along with Interior Side can be changed interactively in the drawing area; see Interactive handing of doors.

Door settings: 2D Visualization pane

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Draw wall lines

Displays wall lines at all times.

Regardless of this setting, wall lines are always drawn for the door in the Header visibility class (which is set to Ceiling-Main by default), to easily create reflected ceiling plans.

Show operation direction

Displays the operation direction indicators for Barn, Folding, Pocket, and Sliding Configurations

Set Attributes By

Select whether to set the 2D graphic attributes and visibility of the listed door parts by Object, Line Style, or Class.

Object: disables line type and weight controls for individual parts, and uses the line type and weight settings for the door object.

Line Style: controls line type and weight for the individual parts; these settings override the door object’s settings.

To change the Direction Marker for Barn, Folding, Pocket, and Sliding doors, choose the desired style from the marker list, or select Custom to create a custom marker. Select Edit Marker List to open the Edit Marker List dialog box; see Editing the marker list.

Class: sets the line type and weight of individual parts (and markers for Direction Markers) by class. To control appearance and visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the part attributes in the same class as the door object.

Visibility Classes

To control appearance and visibility, select a class for each part from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the part attributes in the same class as the door object.

Door settings: 3D Visualization pane

3D Visualization options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



3D Hinge Direction Marker

Draws lines representing the 3D hinge direction

Show interior/exterior marker

Draws lines representing the hinge direction of the door leaves on the interior/exterior side of the door in 3D

Use hinge marker class attributes

Sets the hinge direction marker’s attributes by class

Hinge Direction Marker Class

To control visibility and, if Use hinge marker class attributes is selected, appearance, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the hinge marker attributes in the same class as the door object.

Marker Points Towards

Set the hinge direction marker to point toward the hinge or toward the handle

Draw 3D open

Draws 3D doors as open at the specified Open Angle. Enter the angle; valid values are:

Barn, overhead, pocket, and sliding doors: 0°–100°

Double acting and double egress doors: 0°–180°

Folding doors: 0°–90°

Swing doors: -180°–180°

3D Detail Levels

Vectorworks automatically produces door representations in low, medium, and high detail levels for display at different scales, but some door parts are left for you to determine. Set the detail levels for the listed door parts to display in a design layer view or viewport.

The Muntins list item controls the display for all muntins in the door (in leaf, sidelights, and transom); Trim controls interior and exterior door trim; Hardware controls the detail level for all hardware selected in the Hardware pane of this dialog box.

Vectorworks can automatically display the desired detail level based on the design layer’s scale; see Document preferences: Display tab. Different levels of detail can also display for different scale viewports. Once the door parts' detail levels are established, set each viewport to display the desired Detail Level when creating the viewport, or set this from the Object Info palette.

Door settings: ID Tag pane

The Data Tag tool provides more flexible options for tagging doors; see Adding data tags and labels.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include on schedule

Includes this door's information in the door schedule; see Creating door schedules

Show tag in 2D

Displays the ID tag in Top/Plan view

ID Prefix

Places a prefix before the label value

ID Label

Enter a label to identify the door

ID Suffix

Places a suffix after the label value

ID Class

To control visibility and, if Use ID class attributes is selected, appearance, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the ID class attributes in the same class as the door object.

Use ID class attributes

Uses the ID class attributes for the bubble line, leader line, and leader line marker

Keep ID horizontal

When selected, automatically rotates the ID so that it is horizontal

Bubble Shape

Select the ID tag bubble shape

Bubble Size

Enter the minimum bubble size (this value represents the bubble size times the layer scale; the bubble shape is maintained relative to the text inside it for ID bubble uniformity throughout the drawing file)

Bubble Line Attributes

Select the bubble line attributes and weight, or select Set Thickness to open the Set Thickness dialog box for creating a custom line thickness

Show leader

Draws a leader line from the ID tag to the door object

Line Attributes

Select the leader line attributes and weight, or select Set Thickness to open the Set Thickness dialog box for creating a custom line thickness

Include marker

Includes a marker for the ID leader line; choose the desired style from the marker list, or select Custom to create a custom marker. Select Edit Marker List to open the Edit Marker List dialog box; see Editing the marker list.

Show tag in 3D

Displays the ID tag in 3D views

Horizontal Offset

Enter the horizontal offset of the 3D ID tag relative to the bottom left corner of the rough opening when looking at the exterior side of the door (a positive value moves the tag inside the opening relative to the starting corner; a negative value moves the tag outside the opening relative to the starting corner).

The ID tag is offset slightly from the outside face of the door leaf. The size and shape of the text and bubble, if present, will match the plan settings, and the text will always be right reading from the outside of the wall. The bubble will scale with text scaling in viewports.

Vertical Offset

Enter the vertical offset of the 3D ID tag relative to the bottom left corner of the rough opening when looking at the exterior side of the door (a positive value moves the tag inside the opening relative to the starting corner; a negative value moves the tag outside the opening relative to the starting corner)

Door settings: Configuration: Barn Door pane

Barn Door options are enabled only for the Barn Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Leaf Size

Displays the width and height of each leaf, calculated from size parameters on the General pane and the Leaf Overlap

Leaf Overlap

Enter the amount the leaves will extend past the outside edge of the trim and each other, on the Sides (when the door is closed) and the Top of the door.

If there is no trim on the same side of the wall as the door panel, the leaves will extend past the outside edge of the frame by the specified dimension.

Leaf to Wall Clearance

Enter the distance between the wall surface and the face of the leaf

Leaf to Leaf Clearance

Enter the distance between bypassing leaves

Show Rail

Select whether to display the rail hardware, and in which 2D/3D views

Rail Type

Select the rail type

Rail Depth/Height

Enter the depth and height of the rail

Left/Right Side Extension

Enter the distance on the left/right the rail should extend beyond the width required to clear the door

Add door post of width

For a Box Rail Type, adds a door post; enter the post’s width

Show Rail Mounts

For Flat and Round Rail Type, select whether to display the rail mounts in 3D views

Distance from Rail Ends

Enter the distance the first and last mounts are inset from the rail ends

Maximum Spacing

Enter the maximum spacing between rail mounts

Bypass Bracket Type

For Bypass Operation, select whether to display the brackets, and the bracket type

Show Leaf Hangers

Select whether to display the leaf hangers in 3D views

Leaf Hanger Mounting

Select whether the hangers attach to the top or the front face of the leaf

Leaf Hanger Offset

Enter the distance between the edge of the leaf and the center of the door hanger

Hanger Length/Width

Enter the length and width of the door hanger

Roller Diameter

For Flat and Round Rail Type, enter the roller diameter

Door settings: Configuration: Folding pane

Folding door options are enabled only for the Folding Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Hang Position

For Multiple Operation, select how the leaves are hung from the track 

Show leaves in both open and closed states

Shows both the open and closed representations of leaves in Top/Plan view. This option has no effect when the Open Angle is set to 0°.

Show in Overhead/Alt Path Class

When Show leaves in both open and closed states is selected, specify which Top/Plan representation to display with attributes of the Overhead/Alt Path class. 

The Closed Leaves option always displays leaves as single lines.

Passage Leaves

For Multiple Operation, select which leaves to set as Passage Leaves. For both the Left and Right leaves, the Start leaf is closest to the frame, and the End leaf is farthest from the frame. 

Show passage leaf swings

Displays passage leaf swings in Top/Plan view in the Overhead/Alt Path class

Door settings: Configuration: Pocket pane

Pocket door options are enabled only for the Pocket Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Leaf Size

Displays the width and height of each leaf

Leaf Side Overlap

Sets the distance the door leaves overlap each other when closed

Use Stile Width

Sets the leaf side overlap to match the stile width of the leaf.

When this field is selected, Leaf Side Overlap is automatically completed and disabled.

Leaf to Wall Clearance

Specifies the distance between the door leaves and the wall pocket

Leaf to Leaf Clearance

Specifies the distance between the door leaves

Use exposed pocket recess

Exposes the pocket cavity on one side of the wall

Recess Depth

Displays the distance between the door leaves


Automatically sets the recess depth as needed to contain the door leaves

Include recess finish

When Use exposed pocket recess is selected, adds a finish to the vertical surfaces of the pocket recess

Recess Finish Thickness

Sets the thickness of the pocket recess finish

Recess Finish Attributes

Specifies the class for the exposed pocket door recess finish:

Outer Wall Component: The recess finish acquires the attributes and texture of its adjacent wall component.

Pocket Door Recess Class: The recess finish acquires the attributes and texture set for the Pocket Door Recess class parameter on the Materials and Classes pane.

Door settings: Configuration: Sliding pane

Sliding door options are enabled only for the Sliding Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Leaf Size

Displays the width and height of each leaf

Leaf Side Overlap

Sets the distance the door leaves overlap each other when closed

Use Stile Width

Sets the leaf side overlap to match the stile width of the leaf.

When this field is selected, Leaf Side Overlap is automatically completed and disabled.

Leaf to Leaf Clearance

Specifies the distance between the door leaves

Door settings: Frame pane

Frame options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

In Double Acting and Double Egress configurations, the leaves are mounted so that they are centered on the frame when they are closed.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Enter the face width of the door frame (parallel to the wall)


Enter the depth of the door frame (perpendicular to the wall)

Use wall depth

Sets the frame depth to the overall wall depth

Auto-expand Depth for sliding and pocket configurations

Automatically increases the frame Depth as needed to receive sliding or pocket door leaves. The required frame depth is equal to the total depth of the leaves and their clearances.

Selecting this setting never decreases the frame depth specified by other settings.

Use frame extension

Select this field to specify a frame extension to fill any gap between the interior face of the frame and the interior face of the wall; enter the desired Frame Extension Width.

In 2D views, extensions use the Frame line types and weights; in 3D views, the extension fill color and/or textures and visibility are controlled by the Int. Frame class.

Shim Gaps

Sets the distance between the frame and the rough opening for each side of the door

Use wall provided gaps

Sets the gaps on all four sides to those specified by the wall closure profile offsets, calculated with the door's Size Reference from the General pane; see Wall closure settings


When wall-provided gaps aren't used, enter the gap value for each of the four sides, or click the Link button to match the gap to the one above it

Masonry Module

Enter the masonry module dimension

Astragal Flange/Depth

Use these two dimensions to determine the size of the astragal flange or depth (enter zero to display without an astragal flange); enabled if Swing Configuration and Double Bi-part Operation are selected on the General pane


Door settings: Leaf pane

Leaf options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select the desired leaf type


Enter the thickness of the door slab

Gap Below Leaf

Enter the distance between the bottom of the leaf and the bottom of the frame or threshold. 

When the Size Reference is set to Leaf Size, the leaf is moved in the Z direction to make room for the gap, and the height of the leaf is not automatically changed. This effectively changes the overall height of the door.



Include vision panels

Includes vision panels

Vision Panel Shape

Select the shape of the vision panel

Bottom Edge Offset

Enter an offset value, measured from the bottom of the leaf to the bottom of the lowest vision panel

Strike Edge Offset

Enter an offset value, measured from the strike edge of the leaf to the nearest edge of the vision panel.

With some of the more complex, multi-part door configurations, the offset is measured from different points to provide correct alignment of vision panels. Consult the 3D Preview to confirm the appearance.

Panel Height/Width

Enter the height/width of the individual vision panel.

Panel Width is enabled only for the rectangle and oval vision panel shapes. For square and round, the width is automatically set equal to the height.

Number of Panels

Enter the number of vision panels


For leaves with more than one vision panel, enter the vertical offset between panels

Set top panel height

For leaves with more than one vision panel, makes the top vision panel a different height than the other panels; specify the desired Top Panel Height

Glazing Thickness

Enter the glazing thickness for the vision panels


The Glass leaf type enables the options specific to glass doors on this pane, such as Muntin Style; it does not make the door leaves render as transparent glass. To make the glass render properly, apply a Glazing class on the Materials and Classes pane.

Top Rail Width

Enter the width of the top door rail

L/R Stile Width

Enter the width of the left and right stile

Bottom Rail Width

Enter the width of the bottom door rail

Muntin Style

Select the muntin style

Vertical/Horizontal Bars

Enter the number of vertical/horizontal muntin bars

Bar Width/Depth

Enter the muntin bar width/depth

Bar Offset

Enter the muntin bar offset for Prairie muntins

Glazing Thickness

Enter the glazing thickness for the glass leaf



Top Rail Width

Enter the width of the top door rail

L/R Stile Width

Enter the width of the left and right stile

Bottom Rail Width

Enter the width of the bottom door rail

Vertical/Horizontal Panels

Enter the number of vertical/horizontal panels in the door

Mid Stile Width

Enter the width of any interim stiles

Set top panel height

Makes the top door panel a different height than the other panels; specify the desired Panel Height

Single top panel

Draws only one panel across the top of the leaf, regardless of the number of panels below

Glazing in top panels

Inserts glazing in the top panel

Glazing Thickness

Enter the glazing thickness for glass in the top panel

Muntin Style

Select the muntin style

Vertical/Horizontal Bars

Enter the number of vertical/horizontal muntin bars

Bar Width/Depth

Enter the muntin bar width/depth

Bar Offset

Enter the muntin bar offset for Prairie muntins



Custom Leaf

Select the leaf type from the default content; see Concept: Resource libraries.

Custom leaves must be 3D-only symbols made from generic solids, saved in the default content location.

Door settings: Second Leaf pane

Second door leaf options are enabled only for doors with a two-leaf Configuration and leaves of unequal widths; the narrower pane is considered the second leaf.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Second Leaf

By default, bi-part doors make both leaves the same Leaf setting (Glass, Panel, or Custom), Width, and Open Angle, but these settings can be changed

Unequal leaf

For double egress doors and doors having a double bi-part Operation, inserts a door with leaves of unequal widths

Width Leaf 1/2

When Unequal leaf is selected, enter the width of the first door leaf; the width of the second door leaf is calculated automatically and displayed in the Width Leaf 2 value

Custom open angle

Displays the second leaf with a custom open angle for Top/Plan and 3D views. Enter the angle; valid values are:

Barn, overhead, pocket, and sliding doors: 0°–100°

Double acting and double egress doors: 0°–180°

Folding doors: 0°–90°

Swing doors: -180°–180°

Include hardware

Includes the hardware specified for the first leaf on the second leaf

Set second leaf as solid

Makes the second leaf solid; when deselected, the second leaf has the same Leaf setting as the first leaf

Vision Panels


Add vision panels

Adds vision panels to the second leaf; select whether to make the panels the same width as vision panels on the first leaf, or enter a custom width.

This option is available only when both leaves are solid and Include vision panels is selected for the first leaf.


Adds muntins to the second leaf; select whether to use the same number of vertical bars as the first leaf, or enter a custom number.

This option is available when both leaves are glass or are paneled with Glazing in top panels selected for the first leaf.


Adds panels to the second leaf; select whether to use the same number of horizontal panels as the first leaf, or enter a custom number.

This option is available only when both leaves are paneled.

Custom Leaf

Select whether to use the same custom leaf symbol as for the first leaf, or select a different symbol from the default content.

This option is available only when both leaves are custom.

Door settings: Lights pane

Lights options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





Include sidelights

Adds sidelights

Left/Right Width

Enter the left/right sidelight width

Sash Width/Depth

Enter the sidelight sash width/depth

Mullion Width/Depth

Enter the sidelight mullion width/depth

Use frame depth

Overrides the sidelight Mullion Depth with the frame depth.

When this field is selected, Mullion Depth is grayed.

Glazing Thickness

Enter the glazing thickness for the sidelights



Include muntins

Adds muntins to the sidelights


Select the sidelight muntin pattern

Vertical/Horizontal Bars

Enter the number of vertical/horizontal muntin bars for Colonial muntins

Bar Width/Depth

Enter the sidelight muntin bar width/depth

Bar Offset

Enter the muntin bar offset for Prairie muntins

Door settings: Threshold pane

Threshold options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include threshold

Includes a threshold

(1) Interior Depth/(2) Exterior Depth

Enter the interior and exterior threshold depth

(3) Overall Depth

Enter the overall threshold depth

(4) Offset

Enter how far to offset the threshold from the center of the door frame

(5) Thickness

Enter the threshold thickness

(6) Nosing

Enter the threshold nosing height

Z Offset

Enter the Z elevation of the threshold

Threshold under leaf

Limits the threshold to under the leaf; otherwise, to extend the threshold beyond the inside of the frame, deselect this and enter the desired exterior and interior extension values

Exterior Extension/Interior Extension

Enter the amount that the threshold extends beyond the wall closures on the exterior or interior sides of the wall (negative values are not permitted) 

Door settings: Louvers pane

Louvers can be applied to doors with all Configurations except Opening and Cased Opening.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Replace with louvers for

Select which parts of the door to replace with louvers; if Leaf panels is selected, all panels in the door are replaced

Louver Type

Select the louver type


The preview displays a profile view of the selected Louver Type and the parts to be dimensioned

(1) Blade Spacing

Enter the distance on center between the blades

(2) Blade Angle

Enter the blade angle, measured positively from horizontal

(3) Blade Lip

Enter the visible lip of the blade; for jalousies, enter the thickness of the blade

(4) Louver Depth

Enter the depth of the louver assembly

Add louver frames in leaves

Adds frames around the louvers; enter the Depth and Width

Door settings: Transom pane

Transom options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.





Sash Width/Depth

Enter the transom sash width/depth

Sash Offset

Offsets the sash from the center of the frame. A positive value moves the sash toward the exterior of the door, and a negative value moves the sash toward the interior of the door.



Mullion Width/Depth

Enter the transom mullion width/depth

Use frame depth

Overrides the transom Mullion Depth with the frame depth.

When this field is selected, Mullion Depth is grayed.



Include muntins

Adds muntins to the transom


Select the transom muntin pattern

Vertical/Horizontal Bars

Enter the number of vertical/horizontal muntin bars

Bar Width/Depth

Enter the transom muntin bar width/depth

Bar Offset

Enter the muntin bar offset for Prairie muntins

Glazing Thickness

Enter the glazing thickness for the transom

Door settings: Trim pane

Trim options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include interior/exterior trim

Includes interior/exterior trim


Enter the interior/exterior trim width and depth

Door settings: Lintel pane

Lintel options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include lintel

Adds a lintel above the door or transom

Interior/Exterior Protrusion

Enter the interior and exterior lintel protrusion

(1) Thickness

Enter the lintel thickness

(2) Angle

Enter the lintel angle

(3) Drop

Enter the length of the lintel drop

Door settings: Hardware pane

Hardware options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include hardware

Adds hardware to the door object, to add detail for 3D presentations, and to track hardware requirements in a door schedule. If enabled, specify the edge offsets and select a set from the hardware list.

Strike Edge Offset

Specifies the horizontal offset of the door hardware; the offset is measured from the strike edge of the leaf to the center of the door hardware

Bottom Edge Offset

Specifies the vertical offset of the door hardware; the offset is measured from the bottom of the leaf to the center of the door hardware

Hardware list

Select a hardware set for the door

View Hardware

Opens a dialog box to view the parameters for the currently selected door hardware set

Manage Hardware

Opens a dialog box to customize the door hardware library; see Managing door hardware sets

Door settings: Kick Plates pane

Kick plate options are not enabled for the Opening Configuration or for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Interior/Exterior kick plate

Includes a kick plate on either side of the leaf


Set the height of the kick plate.

While the height is variable, the kick plate’s distance from the right, left and bottom edges of the door is a fixed value of one inch/25.4 mm.


To control visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the kick plate in the same class as the door object.

Door settings: Centerline Marker pane

Centerline marker options are not enabled for curtain wall doors.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Centerline marker

Displays a centerline marker in Top/Plan view


Set the size of the centerline


To control visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the centerline marker in the same class as the door object.

Line Attributes

Select the line attributes and weight, or select Set Thickness to open the Set Thickness dialog box for creating a custom line thickness. If Use Class Attributes is selected, the line attributes are set by the part’s class

Include marker

Includes a marker at the end of the line; choose the desired style from the marker list, or select Custom to create a custom marker. Select Edit Marker List to open the Edit Marker List dialog box; see Editing the marker list. If Use Class Attributes is selected, the marker attributes are set by the part’s class.

Use class attributes

Sets the centerline marker’s attributes (including marker style) by class rather than the parameters in the Door Settings dialog box

Show centerline marker on larger leaf

For bipart swing doors with leaves of unequal size, centers the line on the larger leaf instead of the opening

Door settings: Materials and Classes pane

Materials and classes can be set for individual door parts. If a material resource is used to define a part, the material typically provides the fill, texture, physical attributes, and construction information needed for drawings, renderings, and reports. The class controls the part's appearance and visibility. The visibility of the overall 3D door is controlled by the Class setting from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Door parts

Lists all parts that can be assigned an individual material, class, and texture. Some parts are divided into interior and exterior sides, that can be set separately. Two By Style columns indicate whether the part's material is set by style or instance, and whether the class and texture are set by style or instance. 

Select one or more rows, and do any of the following:

Select a material from the Resource Selector.  

To control appearance and visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Door Class> to place the part attributes in the same class as the door object.

Select a texture from the Resource Selector, or click one of the buttons to use no texture, to use the class texture, or, if the selected item's material texture was previously overridden, to revert to the material's texture.

The material, class, and/or texture of all selected parts are assigned.

For doors with an Opening Configuration, in a 3D view a no fill/no pen weight extrude completely fills the wall in place of the door; this extrude is placed in the Interior Frame class and is filtered out in IFC export operations. Change the class settings to control the visibility of the extrude.

The Pocket Door Recess class determines the Recess Finish Attributes when Pocket Door Recess Class is selected on the Configuration: Pocket pane.

ArchitectDoor settings: Energos pane

Doors play a critical role in energy analysis calculations. Energy is lost through any door glass, and when the door is opened, but energy is also gained by solar radiation through the door glass. Accurately determining the R-Value/U-Value and the shading factor is essential for the overall energy analysis.

Vectorworks Architect is required to conduct an energy analysis; however, energy-related parameters can be specified here for informational purposes.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Include in calculations

When selected, the door is eligible to be included in energy calculations, depending on the energy analysis settings for layer/class, element inclusion, and so on



Automatic Calculation

Based on the door type, the door R-Value/U-Value is calculated and displayed. This value, along with the door shading factors, is critical for a correct assessment of the building envelope in energy calculations.

Manual Input

Select this option to override the calculated R-Value/U-Value and enter a manual value for the door instead. For complex or detailed door designs, enter results from a third-party calculation here.

Door Type

Select the thermal quality of the frame and any door glazing. Sets can be created and edited; see Specifying system sets.


Select the level of shade for each type of shading near the door, or select Custom from any of the lists. The Edit Shading dialog box opens, to manually enter a percentage for when the door is in the shade.


Select the general shade conditions where the door is located


Specify surrounding shade conditions that might affect the amount of solar radiation reaching the door

Summer Shading

Specify special shade conditions that apply in during the summer months (for example, when nearby deciduous trees shade the door)

Additional Shading

Select any mechanical or passive shading mechanisms in place, or select Custom and enter a shading percentage in the Edit Shading dialog box

Summer Ventilation

Opens the Summer Ventilation Settings dialog box, for specifying summer ventilation options for when the door is typically open.

Type of usage(ground floor, upper floor, night): Select the type of ventilation system usage, if any, for the door

Operable opening width: For windows in doors, indicates the width of the window opening gap for an operable window (which affects the amount of ventilation)

Door settings: Data pane

Certain data fields cannot be edited.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Field Name/Field Value

Data fields are listed under Field Name. Click the Field Value column to enter data for use in the door schedule, as needed. 

Object Info palette

If the door has been inserted as a plug-in object, most settings from the Door Settings dialog box display on the Object Info palette. If the door is a black symbol made from a door object, fields pertaining to door geometry do not display. See Concept: Vectorworks symbols. The fields in the Object Info palette are named similarly (but not always identically) to those in the Door Settings dialog box, and roughly reflect the order in which settings are entered in the dialog box, for ease of editing. Curtain wall doors have limited parameter options. For doors using object styles, the parameters that are set by style display for informational purposes but cannot be edited from the Door Settings dialog box or the Object Info palette.

To edit door parameters in the Door Settings dialog box, click Settings from the Object Info palette, double-click the door to open the Door Settings dialog box, or right-click on a door and select Edit from the context menu. 

Most door parameters are described in in the settings panes above. Only the parameters that are different in the Object Info palette are described here.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




For doors in a wall, specify where to insert the object relative to the wall, its core component, or its designated insert location


Enter the offset of the insert perpendicular to the wall's path


Click to flip the orientation of doors inserted in a wall; relevant parameters set by instance are changed to match the door's new orientation. See Interactive handing of doors for a visual way to change door orientation and related parameters.

Set Position

For doors inserted in a wall, click to activate the Move by Points tool in Reference Point mode and move the door by a specified distance from a reference point

Wall Closure

For doors in a wall, opens the Wall Closure dialog box; see Wall closure settings.

See Additional plug-in object style and instance options for information on wall insertion options in the Plug-in Object Style Options dialog box or Plug-in Object Options dialog boxes.


Replace, remove, or edit the current style, or create a new plug-in object style for this object; see Changing plug-in object styles from the Object Info palette.

Editing a style changes all instances in the file that use the style.

Select From Catalog

For a plug-in object style with the catalog item set by instance, click to select a catalog item; see Selecting catalog items for plug-in object styles

Hide style parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style and by catalog; these cannot be edited from the dialog box or Object Info palette

List box functionality


Creating doors

Creating door schedules

Energos energy analysis module

Door terminology specific to the United Kingdom


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