Architect or LandmarkConverting a hardscape object to different configuration

After creation, a boundary hardscape object can be converted to a pathway hardscape object, and similarly, a pathway configuration can be converted to a boundary configuration. The conversion preserves the appearance, but the path of the object changes. You can only reliably convert the configuration once; repeated switching may corrupt the object.

From the Object info palette, a different Site Model Interaction can also be set for a hardscape. For example, a boundary hardscape with a Site Model Interaction of No Site Modifier can be changed to a Planar Pad. (An alert dialog box warns you if existing vertices will change in elevation.) In some cases, pathway hardscapes may first be need to be converted to boundary hardscapes, and then to one of the other interaction types.


To convert a boundary hardscape object to a pathway hardscape configuration:

Select the boundary hardscape object.

Right-click on the hardscape object and select Convert to Pathway from the context menu.

To convert a pathway hardscape object to a boundary hardscape configuration:

Select the pathway hardscape object.

Right-click on the hardscape object and select Convert to Boundary from the context menu.

Alternatively, click Hardscape Settings from the Object Info palette of a selected hardscape object, and select the configuration.

Editing hardscape objects

Creating hardscapes


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