Architect or LandmarkEditing hardscape objects

There are several different ways of editing hardscape objects, depending on the type of hardscape and the desired outcome.



Editing the hardscape properties

Hardscape preferences

Adding a slope to a planar pad hardscape

Click Set Slope Direction from the Object Info palette; see Hardscape preferences

Reshaping the hardscape or path

Reshaping a hardscape object

Aligning hardscapes with surrounding geometry

Aligning hardscapes or modifiers with existing geometry

Modifying an aligned surface type

Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with surface modifiers

Editing aligned hardscapes or modifiers with profile lines

Converting a hardscape configuration

Converting a hardscape object to different configuration

Editing hardscape fills and joint patterns

Editing hardscape fills and joint patterns

Creating a section view of a hardscape

Workflow: Creating a section view of a hardscape

Modifying hardscape tag appearance

Hardscape tag appearance


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