Architect or LandmarkCreating hardscapes


Tool set



Site Planning

A hardscape is a 2D/3D hybrid object that consists of paved areas with optional joint patterns and borders. Multiple types and configurations of hardscape can be created, and they can be used either to modify the site model, conform to the site model or simply produce a texture overlay on the site model surface. Hardscapes can interact with the curb object, especially a curb in border configuration, by being aligned with a curb that acts as a site modifier, by grading the site model with the curb and then using the drape mode for the hardscape, or by having a curb associated with the hardscape. 

For styled objects, only parameters set by instance can be edited from the Hardscape Preferences dialog box and Hardscape Object Settings dialog box. For more information about using and creating styles, see Concept: Plug-in object styles.

To draw a hardscape object, either use the Hardscape tool, or create a closed 2D shape and then select the Create Objects from Shapes command (see Creating objects from shapes). You can also pick up the attributes and settings of an existing hardscape object, and apply them to geometry or use them to create a new hardscape.




Draws a hardscape using the selected polyline creation options and the current preference settings

Pick Up

Picks up all of the attributes, the per style/per instance settings, or the unstyled hardscape settings from an existing hardscape. It also picks up the object's site modifier Site Model Interaction setting, but it does not pick up the elevation of a hardscape with no site modifier applied.

The elevation of a hardscape with no site modifier applies is not picked up. The slope of a hardscape is picked up; however, you may need to adjust the slope arrow location on the pasted hardscape. 

The picked up settings become the default preference settings for subsequently created objects. 


Converts an existing polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, or arc to a hardscape and applies the current preference settings

Hardscape Style

Opens the Resource Selector to select a resource for placement; double-click a resource to activate it

Boundary Configuration

Creates a hardscape with a boundary configuration, defining an area with an optional border

Pathway Configuration Center

Creates a hardscape along a path, with the pathway created centered on the drawn polyline

Pathway Configuration Left Edge

Creates a hardscape along a path, with the pathway created along the left edge of the drawn polyline

Pathway Configuration Right Edge

Creates a hardscape along a path, with the pathway created along the right edge of the drawn polyline

Polyline creation options

For Vertex mode, selects the method for drawing the polyline upon which the hardscape object is based; see Creating polylines


Sets the default preferences for the hardscape object

To create a hardscape object:

Click the tool and appropriate hardscape configuration mode; if creating a pathway hardscape, select one of the Pathway Configuration modes. The hardscape configuration can also be changed after creation from either the Hardscape Object Settings dialog box or the hardscape context menu commands (see Converting a hardscape object to different configuration). 

Do one of the following to establish the hardscape's parameters:

Click Hardscape Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click Preferences to open the Hardscape Preferences dialog box and specify the tool's default parameters. See Hardscape preferences.

It is helpful to begin with a style resource and customize it. Alternatively, leave the default selection of an unstyled hardscape to set all of the parameters from scratch; see Concept: Plug-in object styles. If you do not select a hardscape style, the Hardscape Preferences dialog box opens automatically to set the parameters.

To obtain the settings from an existing hardscape, click Pick Up mode from the Tool bar and then click on the hardscape that is the source of the settings.

Do one of the following to create the hardscape:

Click Convert mode from the Tool bar and select an existing polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, or arc to convert into a hardscape. The settings are automatically applied to create the new hardscape. Continue with step 6.

Click Vertex mode and the desired configuration submode, and then click the appropriate polyline creation mode in the Tool bar; see Creating polylines.

When drawing a hardscape object with a curved boundary, speed the regeneration time by setting the 2D Conversion Resolution in Vectorworks preferences to low (see Vectorworks preferences: Edit pane).

For Vertex mode, click to set the hardscape object’s start point.

Click to set the end of the segment and the beginning of the next. Continue drawing segments in this manner until the hardscape object is complete. Return to the start point (for boundary configuration), or simply double-click to finish creating the hardscape object.

For hardscape with a Site Mode Interaction set to Aligned, ensure that Snap to Object is selected in the Snapping set. Draw the hardscape by tracing along the edges of valid objects that the hardscape should align to; valid alignment objects are highlighted as you draw. The hardscape edge aligns with the adjacent object according to the top or bottom of the hardscape's specified Datum component. The datum is determined either by the hardscape style or set from the Hardscape Main Area Components dialog box; see Creating hardscape components

For an pathway type hardscape, with a width set by instance, enter the Width when prompted.

When classing the subcomponents of the hardscape object, such as the joints or tags, the class visibility of the specified class controls the visibility of the corresponding subcomponent. The class attributes are only applied to the corresponding subcomponent when the Use at Creation option is selected for the class. For example, if the Joint Class is set to the Site-Hardscape Comp-Main Joint class, and that class specifies a hatch Fill Style, edit the class and select the Use at Creation option to apply the fill attribute.

If the hardscape is a site modifier, update the site model to apply the modification. Click Update Site Model from the Object Info palette.

Optionally, create a style resource from an unstyled object (see Custom plug-in object styles without catalog options).

Editing hardscape objects

Concept: Hardscape fills and joint patterns

Specifying hardscape joint patterns

Editing hardscape fills and joint patterns

Creating an aligned site modifier

Applying colors

Updating a site model

Setting class attributes

Textures on objects with components

Sending objects to the surface

Creating curbs


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