Design SuiteStair settings: Geometry tab

Click the Geometry tab to set both basic and detailed stair geometry based on the configuration selected on the General tab. The geometry parameters automatically influence each other; entering a few desired parameters causes the remaining parameters to adjust accordingly. Not all geometry parameters are available for all stair configurations; only the relevant parameters display.

The diagrams next to each parameter indicate the relevant area of the stair.

Use the Reshape tool to manually reshape a stair for more precise alignment with adjacent architectural features; the stair's unlocked parameters update automatically. See Reshaping stairs.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Lock button


For any parameter, locks the parameter value, forcing unlocked parameters to recalculate to automatically adjust

Link button


Links stair flight widths so that they are set to the same value automatically; enter a value for one of the widths, and click Link to enter the same value for all linked flights

Total Rise: By Value or By Layer Elevation

Sets the floor-to-floor height of the stair by either a value or by layer elevation settings of the layers/levels it connects. If by layer elevation, the Total Rise By Layer Elevations dialog box opens; see Step 2.

Tread Depth (G)

Specifies the average depth of the stair tread, measured from the face of the riser to the face of the next riser. Also known as the "going."

Riser Height (R)

Indicates the average height of the stair risers

Step Length (2R+G)

Displays the step length, which is calculated as 2 * the Riser Height (R) + Tread Depth (G)

Stair Width

Sets the overall width of the stair

Stair Width 1/2/3/4/5

Sets the width of each flight of stairs.

Locking the Stair Width on the General tab also locks the widths of individual flights; however, the widths of each flight can also be locked or unlocked individually.


Specifies the total length of the stair, measured from the nosing of the starting tread to the end of the last tread

Walk Line Length

Indicates the length of the line that determines the direction of the stair and is the critical line from which the tread depth, oblique dimensions, and other values are calculated

Number of Risers

Specifies the number of risers for the stair

Draw Top Tread

When enabled, the top tread is drawn; its parameters can be specified independently from the rest of the stair. Select the parameter from the list, and enter its value.

Min. Inside Tread Depth

Specifies the minimum allowable tread depth value for oblique, winder, or fixed angle winder stair treads

Walk Line Offset Options

Sets the walk line location.

Walk Line by Offset: Sets the distance to offset the walk line from the inside of the stair; enter the offset value.

Walk Line on Center: For stairs with fewer than two stair widths, sets the walk line offset to 0.5 times the stair width.

Walk Line Centered on All Flights: For stairs with several flights, sets the walk line offset to 0.5 times the stair width, centering the walk line for all flights.

If the stair has different flight widths, the walk line displays centered for all flights, but the calculation of treads and winders is based on the first flight only.

Walk Line Centered on First Flight: For stairs with several flights, sets the walk line offset to 0.5 times the stair width. For stairs with winders, the walk line is centered based on the first flight only.

Oblique Bottom Tread

Offsets the distance of the front edge of the first tread from the start of the overall length of the stair (as measured along the walk line)

Oblique Top Tread

Offsets the distance of the front edge of the last tread from the start of the overall length of the stair (as measured along the walk line)

Top/Bottom Treads

Opens the Top/Bottom Treads dialog box to access certain parameters:

Draw Top Tread: Draw the top tread and sets the parameters independently from the rest of the stair.

Minimum Inside Tread Depth: Specifies the minimum allowable tread depth value for oblique, winder, or fixed angle winder stair treads.

Oblique Bottom Tread: Offsets the distance of the front edge of the first tread from the start of the overall length of the stair (as measured along the walk line).

Oblique Top Tread: Offsets the distance of the front edge of the last tread from the start of the overall length of the stair (as measured along the walk line).

Number of Risers

Sets the number of risers for the stair

Number of Risers 1

Sets the number of risers for the first or bottom flight of stairs

Number of Risers 2

Sets the number of risers for the second or middle flight of stairs

Number of Risers 3

Sets the number of risers for the third flight of stairs

Number of Risers 4

Sets the number of risers for the fourth or top flight of stairs

Landing Length 1

Indicates the landing length

Landing Length 2

Sets the length of the second landing

Side 1

Indicates the overall outside length of the stair, as measured from the start or bottom of the stair to the outside corner of the landing

Side 2

Indicates the overall outside length of the stair, as measured from the outside corner of the landing to the end or top of the stair, or to the outside corner of the next landing

Side 3

Indicates the overall outside length of the stair, as measured from the outside corner of the landing to the end or top of the stair, or to the outside corner of the next landing

Side 4

Indicates the overall outside length of the stair, as measured from the outside corner of the landing to the end or top of the stair, or to the outside corner of the next landing

Side 5

Indicates the overall outside length of the stair, as measured from the outside corner of the landing to the end or top of the stair

Offset 1

Specifies the distance from the front edge of the landing or last riser of the first flight to the inside corner of the first landing

Offset 2

Specifies the distance from the inside corner of the landing to the back edge of the landing or first riser of the next flight

Offset 3

Specifies the distance from the front edge of the landing or last riser of the second flight to the inside corner of the second landing

Offset 4

Specifies the distance from the inside corner of the second landing to the back edge of the second landing or first riser of the next flight

Offset 5

Specifies the distance from the front edge of the landing or last riser of the third flight to the inside corner of the third landing

Offset 6

Specifies the distance from the inside corner of the third landing to the back edge of the third landing or first riser of the next flight

Outside Diameter

Sets the diameter measured from the outside of the stair

Inside Diameter

Sets the diameter measured from the inside of the stair


Sets the angle of the arc formed by the walk line

If setting the stair Total Rise by layer elevation instead of by a specific value, the height of the stair can be constrained by layer or story elements at its top and bottom boundaries; the lower floor and upper floor indicate the two stories the stair connects. Adjusting a bounding element causes the height of the stair to automatically change accordingly.

If the Total Rise is set By Layer Elevation, moving the top and bottom control points does not change the existing Top/Bottom Bound, but does change the Top/Bottom Offset values.

Select By Layer Elevation; the Total Rise by Layer Elevations dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Top Bound

Sets the vertical reference that determines the top of the stair.

The Layer Wall Height value is set by the design layer (see Setting design layer properties).

Alternatively, for the Architect and Landmark products, the top of the stair can be bound by one of the story levels defined for the story or the story above it. By setting the top of the stair to a level type, if the elevation of the associated story changes, the height of the stair changes automatically to match.

Top Offset

Sets the offset of the top of the stair from its specified top bound height

Bottom Bound

Sets the vertical reference that determines the bottom of the stair.

Alternatively, for the Architect and Landmark products, the bottom of the stair can be bound by one of the story levels defined for the story or the story below it. By setting the bottom of the stair to a level type, if the elevation of the associated story changes, the height of the stair changes automatically to match.

Bottom Offset

For the bottom of the stair, sets the offset from its specified bottom bound height

Z of Top Bound

Displays the elevation value of the stair’s upper boundary

Z of Bottom Bound

Displays the elevation value of the stair’s lower boundary

Calculated Total Rise

Displays the calculated total rise value for the stair based on the stair’s upper and lower boundaries

The Preview contains two preview graphics.

The lower preview graphic displays a detailed section/elevation view of the treads and risers, and indicates the current rise angle.


The upper preview graphic displays the Top/Plan view and is interactive.

Click an upper or lower tread to set the oblique tread parameters for the highlighted treads.

L- and U-Stairs have clickable red areas at the corner of the landing. Click each area to set corner parameters for the inside and outside corners of the landing. The Stair Landing Corners dialog box opens. For configurations that allow angles other than 90 degrees, enter the desired Length or Radius; the corner style parameters update automatically. For each corner, set the Corner Style to the desired angle, or round the corner by specifying a chamfer or fillet value.

For Double-U and Triple-L configurations, some parts of the stair may overlap in the Top/Plan preview, making it difficult to select and edit the intended corner parameters. Before clicking the red areas to set corner parameters for these configurations, select whether the preview displays the Upper part of stair or Lower part of stair.

For fixed angle winder stair configurations, click the stair winder to set the winder parameters. The Winder Parameters dialog box opens. Specify the number of treads for the winder section of the stair, and select whether the winder tread depths should match the tread depths for the straight parts of the stair. If maintaining a constant tread depth is desired, the minimum winder tread depth may need to be adjusted to prevent errors.

Stair geometry errors

The Geometry tab allows values to be locked, which forces other parameters to recalculate while maintaining appropriate calculated values for the stair. Occasionally, an invalid entry is attempted, which generates an error due to other locked values or to minimum/maximum restrictions.

When this occurs, an Error Correction dialog box opens, describing the reason for the error and offering several options to correct the problem. Select one of the options from the list and click OK to return to the stair parameters.

In the event that no successful correction options are available, an alert dialog box opens instead, to notify you of the error and offer several possible options to avoid it.

Situations which can generate an error or alert include:

The total rise calculation is based on multiplying the number of risers by the riser height, and therefore cannot be edited without changing one of the values. Similarly, the number of risers or riser height cannot be edited when the total rise is locked.

Parameter to be edited




Total rise

Riser Height

Num. of Risers

Change the riser height or the total rise and number of risers as suggested, or return to previous values

Total rise

Num. of Risers

Riser Height

Modify the riser height, or the riser height and the number of risers as suggested, or return to previous values

Total rise

Riser Height and Num. of Risers


Change the riser height and/or the number of risers as suggested, or return to previous values

Riser height

Total rise


Modify the total rise, or the riser height and number of risers as suggested, or return to previous values

Number of risers

Total rise


Change the total rise, or the riser height/step length, or the riser height and number of risers as suggested, or return to previous values

The total rise of the stair and the stair length (or sweep angle, for circular stairs) impact other values such as tread depth, riser height, and the number of risers. When the length/sweep angle is locked, it may become impossible to obtain valid entries for the other parameters. Since the stair length or sweep angle is a multiple of the tread depth, one cannot be edited when the other is locked.

Parameter to be edited



Total rise

Length or Sweep Angle

Change the number of risers and step length, or unlock the length/sweep angle as suggested, or return to previous values

Tread depth

Length or Sweep Angle

Modify the length/sweep angle, and/or change the number of risers and the tread depth as suggested, or return to previous values

Length or Sweep Angle

Tread Depth

Change the tread depth, and/or the number of risers, or change the risers and length/sweep angle as suggested, or return to previous values

Restrictions defined in the Min/Max Settings may prevent the parameter change. Options in the Error Correction dialog box may allow the restrictions to be slightly loosened, or even completely disabled, so that the stair can be created (this applies especially during the design phase when experimenting with parameter values).

Winders may be pushed into the straight sections of the stair if one of the Side values changes drastically, resulting in potential calculation errors at the stair corners. The number and range of winders at the corners, or the corner style at the stair’s inner corners, may require modification.

Stair settings: General tab

Stair settings: 2D Graphics tab

Stair settings: Construction tab

Stair settings: Railings tab

Stair settings: Graphic Attributes tab

Using saved sets for stair settings

Saving a stair as a symbol

Setting minimum and maximum values for stair geometry

Stair properties

Transferring stair properties

Creating a stair

Reshaping stairs

Setting up the building structure with stories


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