Workflow: Using wall closures

Difficulty level: Advanced

Because wall closure names are used to define the way walls and objects inserted into walls, such as doors and windows, interact, they must be set up correctly in multiple places. See Concept: Wall closures for more information about how wall closure names are matched for use by multiple objects across a file. The recommended workflow for preparing and using wall closures is as follows:

For each wall style or unstyled wall instance, consider what wall closure conditions are needed to accommodate the inserts, such as doors and windows, placed in that wall anywhere in the file. Set up the necessary wall closures for each wall style/unstyled instance.

When the needed wall closure name is already used by other objects in the file, use Choose Existing Name rather than manually entering the name, to avoid errors; the names must match exactly to make an association with inserts. 

For each wall style or unstyled wall in the file, specify the default wall closure to be used by inserts that do not find a matching wall closure name in the wall.

For each plug-in object style or unstyled instance and symbol definition that can use wall closures, specify the name of the wall closure it will use on and after insertion.

Use wall closure must be selected for wall closure settings to apply.

When the needed wall closure name is already used by other objects in the file, use Choose Existing Name rather than manually entering the Wall Closure Name, to avoid errors; the names must match exactly to make an association with walls. 

Inserts placed in a wall without the matching wall closure name automatically use the wall's default wall closure. If a wall closure with the same name is added to the wall later, the association is made and the new wall closure is applied.

Inserts with an empty Wall Closure Name field automatically use the wall's default wall closure on insertion; add the insert's Wall Closure Name later to use a different wall closure.

Continue to update the wall styles', unstyled walls', and inserts' wall closure names to create and maintain matches as needed throughout the design process.

Use the Manage Wall Closure Names command to view all the wall closure names in the file, and which objects are associated with each name. Change the wall closure names and associations as needed, either within the Manage Wall Closure Names dialog box or by changing the settings for individual wall styles, unstyled wall instances, plug-in object styles, plug-in object instances, or symbol definitions.

Concept: Wall closures

Wall closure settings

Editing wall styles

Additional plug-in object style and instance options

Creating symbol definitions

Managing wall closure names


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