The frame settings and appearance are controlled individually for each frame category, for flexibility when setting the frame parameters. See Concept: Editing guidelines for curtain wall grids to understand how the frame definition parameters respond to custom edits of a curtain wall instance.
Unstyled curtain walls can be drawn first, and the curtain wall parameters can be set later from the Object Info palette by clicking Curtain Wall Grid. The Curtain Wall Grid dialog box opens, to edit the parameters of the unstyled curtain wall. However, editing unstyled walls by this method may clear existing frames and panels, and recreate the curtain wall grid.
If a material resource is used to define a part, the material typically provides the fill, texture, physical attributes, and construction information needed for drawings, renderings, and reports.
To set the curtain wall frame appearance:
From the Definition tab of the Wall Preferences dialog box, or from the Edit Wall Style dialog box, click Frame Settings.
Alternatively, from the Object Info palette of a selected curtain wall, click Curtain Wall Grid, and then click Frame Settings.
The Frame Settings dialog box opens.
to show/hide the parameters.
The parameters can be edited from the Object Info palette; see Wall properties. The Cut Plane parameter determines the height for displaying the curtain wall in Top/Plan view.