Simulating movement

Several tools and commands simulate movement over and through the drawing.

When you use these tools, a rendered model may display with Shaded rendering temporarily, even when set to render with a different render mode. When the movement stops, the program renders the new view of the model. Additionally, for a highly complex drawing, the program may temporarily remove some of the detail to speed up the movement. When the movement stops, the detail returns.

These tools have certain Tool bar buttons that are true modes, and others that act as command buttons. When some of these tools are in use, the Data bar provides display-only information to help orient the view.

The reference for the view (whether layer plane or working plane) depends on the working plane buttons in the View bar; see Concept: Working planes.

The Onscreen View Control



Translate view

Rotating the 3D view

Animating models

Using a 3D mouse

Vectorworks preferences: 3D pane


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