Specifying Server Options

The system administrator can control the module and the licensed user options; for example, some users may not be allowed to borrow Vectorworks, or may only borrow it for shorter periods of time than other users. The administrator can also set report log and debug log file options.

If there are many users that will not be allowed to borrow the software, instead of excluding each one, use INCLUDEALL_ROAM to allow only specific users to borrow.

To specify and edit the module, user, or log file options:

  1. From the main Server Administration screen, click Status.

  2. The server status pane displays.

  3. In the Options column of the ISV Servers table, click vektorwrx.

  4. The Edit ISV Options screen opens.

  5. Using the syntax described in Server Syntax, specify or edit the user options.

  6. In the syntax and examples, user, host, internet, group, host_group, and internet_group can be specified interchangeably when setting up permissions for a client or groups of clients.



    Restricts the borrowing feature for a certain number of days (up to 30 days) and for certain modules

    ROAM_MAX_DAYS days module

    Example: ROAM_MAX_DAYS 3 architect

    roam_max_days -

    Disables the borrowing feature for certain modules (use a negative number to prevent borrowing)

    ROAM_MAX_DAYS -1 module

    Example: ROAM_MAX_DAYS -1 landmark


    Restricts the use of a module for the specified client

    EXCLUDE module user name

    Example: EXCLUDE landmark name sam 


    Restricts the use of a module for any clients not specified

    INCLUDE module group group_name

    Example: INCLUDE spotlight group designers


    Restricts borrowing for certain clients

    EXCLUDEALL_ROAM user firstname_lastname

    Example: EXCLUDEALL_ROAM user susan_rodriguez


    Allows borrowing for certain clients

    INCLUDEALL_ROAM group group_name

    Example: INCLUDEALL_ROAM group architects


    Reserves licenses for critical clients

    RESERVE number module user user_name

    Examples: RESERVE 1 spotlight user frank

    RESERVE 3 architect group engineers 


    Limits the maximum number of licenses checked out per client

    MAX number module user firstname_lastname

    Example: MAX 3 landmark host_group designers


    Creates a Debug log for the ISV server

    DEBUGLOG file_path file_name

    Example: dbuglog Log\dlog.txt 

    Debuglog +

    Creates a different Debug log for each ISV server, automatically appending the log information rather than overwriting the log; this can also be specified as a startup option. See Server Startup Options.

    DEBUGLOG + file_path file_name

    Example: dbuglog + Log\dlog.txt 

    Nolog in

    Nolog out

    Nolog denied

    Specifies that the server won’t log information about license check ins, check outs, or denied licenses in the Debug log

    NOLOG type

    Example: NOLOG denied 

    Timeout product

    Controls the length of time (in seconds) that the Vectorworks program needs to communicate with the server by product (module); if there is no communication, the server revokes the license. This can prevent leaks or extended checkout of Vectorworks licenses if the Vectorworks program crashes or hangs on the client.

    The minimum number of seconds is 3600 (one hour).

    If no timeout time is specified, licenses do not time out.

    TIMEOUT sec product

    Example: TIMEOUT 3600 fundamentals 


    This is the same command as Timeout, but it sets the timeout for any client usage of the Vectorworks program (all modules)



    Saves license usage information to a log file

    REPORTLOG file_path_file_name type

    Windows example: REPORTLOG Log\Reportlog.txt detailed 

    Mac example: REPORTLOG Log/Reportlog.txt std 


    Saves and closes the current report log, creating a new log

    ROTATE [daily|weekly|monthly|#days]

    Example: ROTATE daily

  7. Click Update Options.

The options are saved in the vektorwrx.opt file, which is located in the same network license folder as the RLM software.


Server Status Screen

Main Server Administration Screen

The Report Log

The Debug Log

Requiring Server Passwords

Controlling RLM Options

