Instead of using the Create Report command, you can create a blank worksheet and add data to it manually. This gives you more control over the contents and format of the worksheet.
To create a blank worksheet:
From the Resource Browser, select New Resource > Worksheet from the Resources menu.
The Create Worksheet dialog box opens.
Click to show/hide the parameters.
Specify the basic worksheet parameters and click OK.
A new worksheet window opens.
At this point, all rows contain spreadsheet cells, and they are all undefined. Define the contents of each row and cell as needed:
● To add simple text, numbers, or formulas to the worksheet, see Entering Data in Spreadsheet Cells.
● To list data that is associated with objects in the drawing, change a spreadsheet row into a database row, and specify which objects to include in the list. A sub-row displays for each object that matches the criteria defined in the database header row. Then specify which information to display in the columns for each row; these can be fields from the object’s data record, as well as text, numbers, or formulas. See Entering Data in Database Rows.
● To add images to either spreadsheet or database rows, see Inserting Images in Worksheets (Vectorworks Design Series required).