Creating a Blank Worksheet

Instead of using the Create Report command, you can create a blank worksheet and add data to it manually. This gives you more control over the contents and format of the worksheet.

To create a blank worksheet:

  1. From the Resource Browser, select New Resource > Worksheet from the Resources menu.

  2. The Create Worksheet dialog box opens.

  3. Specify the basic worksheet parameters and click OK.

  4. A new worksheet window opens.

  5. At this point, all rows contain spreadsheet cells, and they are all undefined. Define the contents of each row and cell as needed:

    To add simple text, numbers, or formulas to the worksheet, see Entering Data in Spreadsheet Cells.

    To list data that is associated with objects in the drawing, change a spreadsheet row into a database row, and specify which objects to include in the list. A sub-row displays for each object that matches the criteria defined in the database header row. Then specify which information to display in the columns for each row; these can be fields from the object’s data record, as well as text, numbers, or formulas. See Entering Data in Database Rows.

    To add images to either spreadsheet or database rows, see Inserting Images in Worksheets (Vectorworks Design Series required).


Creating Reports

Using Worksheets