Title block border settings

Click Title Block Border Settings from the Object Info palette of a selected title block border to open the Title Block Border Settings dialog box.

Creación de estilos de objeto de complemento allows you to create plug-in objects, such as the title block border, with a combination of parameters that are determined by the style or by instance. Style parameters have a fixed value established by the style; instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing.

The selected object’s settings are grouped into several panes of related parameters, which are listed on the left side of the Title Block Border Settings dialog box. Select each pane and specify the parameters.



Use Style

To create a custom title block border, leave the Unstyled setting. To use an existing title block border from the resource libraries, click Use Style; from the Resource Selector, double-click a resource to select it.

Convert to Unstyled

If Use Style is currently set to a style, select this option to convert the object to unstyled; the current values are retained, but all parameters on all panes are set to By Instance to allow editing

By Style/Instance

A graphic indicates whether each parameter is set to By Style and given a fixed value or set to By Instance and editable in the dialog box. By Style/Instance settings are established by the style and cannot be changed from the settings dialog box.


To edit the object style, see Edición de estilos de objeto de complemento; editing the style modifies all plug-in objects in the file that use the style.


Dynamically displays a preview of the title block border with the currently selected parameters

Zoom in on the Title Block

Displays a close-up of the title block in the preview area

Title block border settings: Sheet Border pane



Drawing Size


Sheet Size

Select a standard size and format for the sheet border, or select Fit to Page or Fit to Printable Area. Select Custom to use custom sheet border dimensions, and specify the Width and Height dimensions.

If the Sheet Size is changed from this pane or from the Object Info palette to one of the standard values, the Sheet Fit Mode, Margins, and grid settings are automatically updated to match those of the standard format selected.


Select Portrait or Landscape orientation

Sheet Fit Mode

Select whether to fit the sheet to the outer or inner border dimensions

Lock to Page Center

Locks the title block border center position to the page center; deselect to position the title block border manually. If the plan has been rotated (Vectorworks Design Suite required), select Lock to Page Center to position the title block border correctly when in a non-rotated view.




Specify the sheet border margin widths



Hide Border

When the title block border includes a title block, hides the sheet border and displays only the title block; although the sheet border does not display, the title block remains oriented relative to the sheet border.

This field is selected and grayed if Use as a Title Block Only is selected on the Title Block pane.

Use Line Weight of Object for Border

Sets the sheet border line weight the same as the title block border object’s line weight

Border Line Weight

If Hide Border and Use Line Weight of Object for Border are deselected, select the sheet border line weight

Fill Border

Fills the area between the outer and inner border lines with a fill selected from the Attributes palette

Title block border settings: Sheet Zones/Grids pane



Vertical Zones

Specifies the number of vertical zones to include

Grid Text Order

Indicates whether vertical grid text starts at the top or bottom of the border, if shown

Horizontal Zones

Specifies the number of horizontal zones to include

Grid Number Order

Indicates whether horizontal grid numbers start at the left or right of the border, if shown

Grid Label Size

Specifies the text size for both grid text and numbers

Grid Marker Line Length

Specify the length of the grid marker lines and grid line extensions; lines cannot extend past the margin area

Use Line Weight of Object for Grid Marker

Sets the grid marker line weight the same as the title block border object’s line weight

Grid Marker Line Weight

If Use Line Weight of Object for Grid Marker is deselected, select the line weight of the grid marker lines and extensions

Show Grids

Displays grid text and lines in the border margin. This setting can also be accessed from the object context menu: right-click on the title block border, and select Show Grids.

Show Grid Lines

Displays grid lines on the drawing

Show Grid Line Extensions

Displays lines that extend past the border into the margin area

Crop Marks

Select whether to display crop marks and/or an outline around the border

Use Line Weight of Object for Crop Marks

Sets the crop mark line weight the same as the title block border object’s line weight

Crop Marks Line Weight

If Use Line Weight of Object for Crop Marks is deselected, select the line weight of the crop marks

Fold Marks

Select the fold mark measurements when adding fold marks to the title block border. For options listed numerically, the first measurement specifies the drawing fold width and the second measurement indicates the margin fold width. Select Custom to specify custom fold mark distances.

If the Sheet Size is changed from this pane or from the Object Info palette to one of the standard values, the Sheet Fit Mode, Margins, and grid settings are automatically updated to match those of the standard format selected.

Margin Width

When custom fold marks are selected, enter the margin fold width

Folded Width

When custom fold marks are selected, enter the drawing fold width

Folded Height

When custom fold marks are selected, enter the drawing fold height

Title block border settings: Title Block pane



Use as Title Block Only

Displays only the title block and hides all other border elements. The title block is not oriented relative to the page or the border.

To hide the border but maintain the title block’s orientation relative to the border, select Hide Border on the Sheet Border pane.

Constrain Title Block

If Use as Title Block Only is deselected, specifies the title block location relative to the sheet border.

Edits that change the title block’s bounding box may shift the position of the title block relative to the sheet border. Select No Constraint to prevent this shift or to allow custom placement of the title block by dragging.

Title Block Margin

Creates space to accommodate a horizontal, vertical, or block title block outside the sheet grid; the size of the sheet grid adjusts as needed


Select whether to include a countersignature area in the sheet border margin area, and, if included, where to place it.

Vertical places the countersignature vertically in the upper left corner of the sheet border.

Horizontal places the countersignature horizontally in the upper right corner of the sheet border.

Sheet border margins may need adjustments to allow enough space for the countersignature.

Scale Factor

Sets the scale factor for the title block; a factor of less than one decreases the size of the symbol, while a factor of more than one increases its size

Always Use Layout Graphics Attributes

Defines all fonts in the title block by the selected title block border symbol. When deselected, typefaces and styles can be applied directly to the text in the title block border object.

Use Automatic Drawing Coordination

Includes the title block in the file’s automatic numbering and naming system

Title Block Graphics

Indicates if the current title block layout is controlled by style or set by instance

Import Title Block Graphics

If title block graphics are set by instance, opens the Import Title Block Graphics dialog box; double-click a title block graphic from the Resource Selector to select it

Edit Title Block Layout

If title block graphics are set by instance, saves the current settings and closes the Title Block Border Settings dialog box, and then enters object editing mode for Edición de diseños del rótulo de lámina and/or Linking title block text to data records. The Title Block Border Settings dialog box reopens after the layout edits are completed.

Save Title Block Graphics

If title block graphics are set by instance, saves the current title block layout as a 2D symbol in the current file

Title block border settings: Project Data pane

Project-wide data shared by all title block borders are managed from this pane; changes made to the Project Data pane of any title block border in the file are made to all title block borders in the file.



Project data fields

Displays fields that are part of the Title Block Project Data record and their values. Some fields are added and completed automatically. Fields can be re-ordered and fields can be added in the Manage Project Data dialog box. If there are too many fields to fit on one page, click <Prev and Next> to scroll through the list.

Only the fields that are included in the list automatically and the additional fields that are linked to text objects in the title block border layout display in the Project Data Pane. Other fields can be viewed in the Manage Project Data dialog box.

Choose whether to include the file path in the File Name.

For Total Num Sheets, select Use Total number of Active Title Block Borders to automatically calculate the number of layers in the file with Activate title block selected in the Object Info palette; otherwise, enter the number.

Manage Project Data

Opens the Manage Project Data dialog box to specify and order the available fields

Managing project data

The Manage Project Data dialog box allows you to specify and order the fields on the Project Data pane.



# (field order)

Orders the fields listed on the Project Data pane. Click the # column of the field to be moved, and drag it up or down the list.

When a title block border style is imported from one file to another, the field order for the style may change and need to be reset. Field visibility should remain as set.


Fields with a check mark display in the Title Block Border Settings dialog box and the Title Block Manager. If a title block border style’s graphics are set by style, the setting is the same for all title block borders using the style. Otherwise, the setting is set individually for each title block border in the file.

Project data fields list

Displays the existing project data fields and their values. Some fields are added and completed automatically. Custom fields can be added; these display in italics.

Is Multiline Text

Text fields with a check mark wrap onto multiple lines as needed in the Title Block Border Settings dialog box and the Title Block Manager; text fields with no check mark display on a single line only


Opens the Edit Field dialog box to add a field to the Title Block Project Data record; see Creación de formatos de registro


Opens the Edit Field dialog box to edit the selected user-added field in the Title Block Project Data record; see Creación de formatos de registro


Deletes the selected user-added field from the Title Block Project Data record

Title block border settings: Sheet Data pane

Sheet-specific data are managed from this pane.



Sheet data fields

Displays fields that are part of the Title Block Sheet Data record and their values. Some fields are added and completed automatically. Fields can be re-ordered and fields can be added in the Manage Sheet Data dialog box. If there are too many fields to fit on one page, click <Prev and Next> to scroll through the list.

Only the fields that are included in the list automatically and the additional fields that are linked to text objects in the title block border layout display in the Sheet Data Pane. Other fields can be viewed in the Manage Sheet Data dialog box.

Sheet Title

When Use Automatic Drawing Coordination is selected in the Title Block pane, this value is automatically generated; otherwise, enter the sheet title

Sheet Number

When Use Automatic Drawing Coordination is selected in the Title Block pane, this value is automatically generated; otherwise, enter the sheet number

Page Number

When Activate title block is selected in the Object Info palette, Auto Generate Page Number is available. Select that to automatically generate the page number based on the stacking order of this title block border among the other title block border objects that have Activate title block selected. Otherwise, enter the page number.

When Auto Generate Page Number is selected, it overrides a By Style setting for Page Number.


Manually enter a specific date, or click Todays’ Date


This user-defined field is typically used for sheet number prefixes

Current Plot Date

If Plot Date Format is set to Manual Entry, enter a date. If Plot Date Format is set to one of the Auto entry formats, click Refresh Plot Date to update the field to the current date.

Plot Date Format

Select the format for Current Plot Date.


When a title block border is inserted on a layer, this value is automatically completed with the layer’s scale for design layers, or with the scale of the first viewport on the sheet, if there are viewports, for sheet layers. If the viewports have drawing labels in their annotations, the Scale display format (for example, architectural or engineering) is taken from the first drawing label in the viewport.

Click Update Scale to update the value as needed. If the sheet layer contains multiple viewports with different scales or with different scale display formats, the Set Default Scale dialog box opens; set the Scale value to be used in indeterminate cases.

Manage Sheet Data

Opens the Manage Sheet Data dialog box to specify and order the available fields

Managing sheet data

The Manage Sheet Data dialog box allows you to specify and order the fields on the Sheet Data pane.



# (field order)

Orders the fields listed on the Sheet Data pane. Click the # column of the field to be moved, and drag it up or down the list.

When a title block border style is imported from one file to another, the field order for the style may change and need to be reset. Field visibility should remain as set.


Fields with a check mark display in the Title Block Border Settings dialog box and the Title Block Manager. If a title block border style’s graphics are set by style, the setting is the same for all title block borders using the style. Otherwise, the setting is set individually for each title block border in the file.

Sheet data fields list

Displays the existing sheet-specific data fields and their values. Some fields are added and completed automatically. Custom fields can be added; these display in italics.

Is Multiline Text

Text fields with a check mark wrap onto multiple lines as needed in the Title Block Border Settings dialog box and the Title Block Manager; text fields with no check mark display on a single line only


Opens the Edit Field dialog box to add a field to the Title Block Sheet Data record; see Creación de formatos de registro


Opens the Edit Field dialog box to edit the selected field in the Title Block Sheet Data record; see Creación de formatos de registro


Deletes the selected field from the Title Block Sheet Data record

DesignSeries00197.pngTitle block border settings: Revision Data pane



Revisions list

Lists the revision history for the current layer.

The revision information is stored in a series of record formats named Title Block Revision Data-x, where x denotes the revision number. For reporting purposes, the most recent revision always has the x value of 1. The x values of earlier revisions are incremented up one number each time a revision is added. The record formats are attached to the title block border objects that are revised with each number. The record format is not visible in the Resource Manager but it is available in the worksheet formulas (see Project revision and issue history worksheets) and when Confección de informes.


Opens the Add New Revision/Edit Existing Revision dialog box, for Cómo agregar y editar revisiones de dibujo.

See the Document Options pane to set the Revision Number type and numbering options.


Deletes the selected revisions, and resets the Current Revision Number if Numbering is set to Auto-Increment on the Document Options pane

Delete All

Deletes all revisions from the list

Current Revision Number

Displays the number of the most recent revision

Show the _ Most Current Revision on the Drawing

Specifies how many revisions to list in the revision block and revision reports (see Project revision and issue history worksheets)


Specifies in which order to list the revisions. Up Sheet lists the most recent revision on top, and Down Sheet lists the oldest revision on top.

Revision Note Spacing Factor

Specifies how much space to put between revisions in the revision block

Depending on the length of the revision entries, they may need to be top-aligned in the revision section of the title block border; see Alineación con la parte superior de texto de revisión y publicación en el diseño del rótulo de lámina.

DesignSeries00198.pngTitle block border settings: Issue Data pane



Issues list

Lists the issue history for the current layer.

The issue information is stored in a series of record formats named Title Block Issue Data-x, where x denotes the issue number. For reporting purposes, the most recent issue always has the x value of 1. The x values of earlier issues are incremented up one number each time an issue is added. The record formats are attached to the title block border objects that are issued with each number. The record format is not visible in the Resource Manager but it is available in the worksheet formulas (see Project revision and issue history worksheets) and when Confección de informes.


Opens the Add New Issue/Edit Existing Issue dialog box, for Cómo agregar y editar publicaciones de dibujo.

See the Document Options pane to set the Issue Number type and numbering options.


Deletes the selected issues, and resets the Current Issue Number if Numbering is set to Auto-Increment on the Document Options pane

Delete All

Deletes all issues from the list

Current Issue Number

Displays the number of the most recent issue

Show the _ Most Current issues on the Drawing

Specifies how many issues to list in the issue block and issue reports (see Project revision and issue history worksheets)


Specifies in which order to list the issues. Up Sheet lists the most recent issue on top, and Down Sheet lists the oldest issue on top.

Issue Note Spacing Factor

Specifies how much space to put between issues in the issue block

Depending on the length of the issue entries, they may need to be top-aligned in the revision section of the title block border; see Alineación con la parte superior de texto de revisión y publicación en el diseño del rótulo de lámina.

Title block border settings: North Point pane



Display North Point

Displays a north point in the title block border

North Symbol

Double-click on a north symbol to select it from the Resource Selector

North Angle

Displays the angle of the north point; if Use Heliodon Rotation Angle is not selected, enter an angle

Use Heliodon Rotation Angle

By default, sets the North Angle to match the rotation angle of the first heliodon located in the drawing (design layers are searched first, then sheet layers); click Choose Heliodon to base the north point’s angle on a different heliodon in the file

Scale Factor

Specifies the scale factor for the north point; 1.0=100% scale


Enter the X and Y coordinates for the north point; the object can also be positioned using the 2D control point at its insertion point

Show Magnetic Declination

Displays an additional line from the north point symbol’s insertion point to indicate magnetic north declination

Declination Degree Offset

If Show Magnetic Declination is selected, enter the degree offset for the magnetic north declination line

Choose Heliodon

If there are multiple heliodons in the file, click to choose a different heliodon to set the North Angle

Title block border settings: Drawing Stamp pane

To display a drawing stamp, you must insert a text block in the appropriate location (see Edición de diseños del rótulo de lámina) and then assign that text block the Data Type Drawing Stamp (see Linking title block text to data records).



Display Drawing Stamp

Displays a text-based drawing stamp in the title block border

Stamp Text

Select the desired text; if Custom is selected, enter the Custom Text

Text Style

Select the text style resource to apply to the drawing stamp; if there are no available text style resources, the current text settings are applied. <Object Text Attributes> allows you to apply text attributes directly to the stamp text; <Class Text Style> uses the text style of the text block object’s class.

Text Size

Displays the text size; if Text Style is set to <Object Text Attributes> enter a value and unit


Uses all upper case letters in the drawing stamp; if deselected, the text will be in Title Case

Append Date

Adds a date to the stamp; enter the Date, which appears as a suffix to the Stamp Text

Stamp Angle

Specifies the stamp angle


Enter the X and Y coordinates for the drawing stamp; the stamp can also be positioned using the 2D control point at its insertion point

DesignSeries00199.pngTitle block border settings: Document Options pane

The revision and issue number options apply to all layers in the file.




For the revision number and issue number, choose whether to enter numbers manually or have them automatically increment with each addition

Type of Numbering

If Numbering is set to Auto-Increment, choose whether to use numbers or letters

Edición de bordes del rótulo de lámina

Title Block Manager

Project revision and issue history worksheets

Cómo cambiar estilos de objeto de complemento en la paleta Información del objeto


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