Countertop settings
These settings are available in the following locations:
Countertop Preferences dialog box (creating an object)
Countertop Settings dialog box (editing an object)
Object Info palette (editing an object)
Countertop Style dialog box (creating or editing a style)
If a style is selected, only parameters set by instance can be edited (see Concept: Plug-in object styles). Instance parameters can be set independently for each instance of the object in the drawing.
Additional plug-in object settings for the class, the 2D component and cut plane display, and wall insertion options are available; see Additional plug-in object style and instance options.
Countertop settings: Overall
Click to show/hide parametersClick to show/hide parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Use Style |
From the Resource Selector, double-click a resource to activate it, or click Unstyled. If a styled object is converted to unstyled, the current values are retained, but all parameters are set to By Instance to allow editing. |
By Style/Instance |
A graphic indicates whether each parameter is set to By Style and given a fixed value or set to By Instance and editable in the dialog box. An object style may have a combination of both settings, to balance the need for consistency and flexibility. By Style/Instance settings are established by the style and cannot be changed from the settings dialog box. To edit the object style, see Editing plug-in object styles; editing the style modifies all plug-in objects in the file that use the style. |
Countertop settings: General pane
Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Countertop Elevation |
When Vertex mode is used, sets the elevation for the countertop; otherwise, countertop elevation is set to the top of the cabinets. If the elevation is set by style to a different height, the difference is adjusted in the object's Z value. |
Elevation Reference |
Select either the top or bottom of the countertop as the elevation reference point |
Thickness |
Sets the thickness of the countertop |
Default Edge Treatments |
Default overhangs are applied when countertops are created based on existing cabinet geometry |
Overhang Back Edges |
Sets the default overhang for the back edges of the countertop; this setting is determined by the insertion point of the cabinets |
Overhang Side Edges |
Sets the default overhang for the side edges of the countertop |
Overhang Front Edges |
Sets the default overhang for the front edges of the countertop |
Profiles |
Edge, trim and backsplash profiles are based on 2D symbols that can be found in the Resource Manager, or you can create your own. The profile must be the same thickness as the countertop, and is always a reduction of the countertop surface. Edge profiles don't change the total area of the countertop. Trim is considered a separate edging, as it is often made of a different material than the countertop. Trim is connected to the countertop at its insertion point. Adjust trim in the profile symbol to create a raised edge over the countertop. |
Edge/Trim Profile |
Select a 2D edge or trim profile; edge treatments are added to specific edges in the Edge Treatments pane/dialog box of an existing countertop. The countertop can only have one profile or trim for the outer edges. |
Backsplash Profile |
Select a 2D backsplash profile; backsplashes are added in the Edge Treatments pane/dialog box of an existing countertop |
Allow edge profile with extended vertical geometry |
Vertically extends geometry in the edge profile; selecting this option allows a profile that shapes the countertop and creates a downstand, but the countertop area is not changed |
Edge profile corner round wrap |
Rounds the edge profile corner; the rounding radius equals the profile width |
Allow countertop to extend when adding waterfall edge |
Automatically extends the countertop width; if the default side overhang is less than the thickness of the countertop and there are cabinets underneath, select to extend the waterfall edge without affecting the cabinets |
Countertop settings: Edge Treatments pane
Edge treatments can only be applied to an existing countertop; to access them click either Countertop Settings or Edge Treatments in the Object Info palette. See Countertop edge treatments.
Countertop settings: Insertions pane
After an object is inserted into an existing countertop, insertions options can be accessed by clicking either Countertop Settings or Insertions in the Object Info palette. See Countertop insertions.
Countertop settings: Attributes pane
Classes, attributes, materials, and textures can be set for individual countertop parts. The class controls the part's appearance and visibility. The visibility of the overall 3D countertop is controlled by the Class setting from the Object Info palette. If a material resource is used to define a part, the material typically provides the fills, texture, physical attributes, and construction information needed for drawings, renderings, and reports, but the texture can be overridden.
Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
2D Attributes |
Lists all parts that have attributes settings. Select one or more rows, and click the applicable columns to select the desired settings. To control appearance and visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Countertop Class> to place the part attributes in the same class as the countertop object. Set custom pen and fill attributes, or select an option to control them by object (from the Attributes palette), by class, or by material (as set in 3D Attributes). |
Make All Attributes by Class |
Sets the pen, line, and fill attributes by class |
Remove All by Class Settings |
Removes all by class settings for pen, line, and fill attributes |
3D Attributes |
Lists all parts that can be assigned an individual material and texture. Separate textures can be added to each part, but each part can only have a single texture. For example, if two waterfall edges are created on one countertop, they are considered a single part and must have the same texture; however, the waterfall edges may have a different texture from the main countertop surface, which is considered a different part. Each part texture can also be edited using the Attribute Mapping tool; see Mapping fills with the Attribute Mapping tool for more information. Select one or more rows, and do any of the following: Click in the Material column and select a material from the Resource Selector. Click in the Texture column and select a texture from the Resource Selector, or click one of the buttons to use no texture, to use the class texture, or if the material's texture was previously overridden, to revert to the material's texture. The material and texture of all selected parts are assigned. |
Countertop settings: Data pane
Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Field Name/Field Value |
Data fields are listed under Field Name. Click the Field Value column to enter data for use in the countertop schedule, as needed. |
Countertop settings: Object Info palette
Countertops can be edited from the Object Info palette or by clicking Countertop Settings from the Object Info palette. For countertops using object styles, the parameters that are set by style display for informational purposes but cannot be edited. Parameters that are available in a dialog box are described in the tables above. Only the parameters that are different are described here.
Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.
Parameter |
Description |
Style |
Replace, edit, or remove the current style, or (for unstyled objects only) create a new plug-in style (see Custom plug-in object styles without catalog options). Editing a style changes all instances in the file that use the style. |
Hide style parameters |
Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the Object Info palette |
Edge Treatments |
Edits the edge treatments selected in the General pane of the Countertop Settings dialog box; see Countertop edge treatments |
Insertions |
Edits the countertop insertions; see Countertop insertions |
Pick Symbols to Associate |
Selects symbols to associate with the countertop; see Inserting symbols into countertops by fitting to cabinets |
Vertex parameters |
Edits the vertices of the countertop object; see Editing vertex-based objects |