New Features

The following table contains a list of new and improved features for the Service Pack 3 release of Vectorworks 2016 software, and indicates the section where the functionality is documented.


Simplified process for creating custom IFC property sets

Each field in the IFC property set is now automatically assigned an appropriate IFC value type; previously, you had to create an additional field in the record format to assign the proper IFC value type

Using Custom IFC Property Sets

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Documentation improvement

New information has been added to the energy analysis section listing the dependencies among the parameters

Energy Analysis Parameter Dependencies


The following table contains a list of new and improved features for the Service Pack 2 release of the Vectorworks 2016 software, and indicates the section where the functionality is documented.


New option in Vectorworks Spotlight preferences

A new option places lighting device into the active class rather than into the default class

Spotlight Setup


Framing Member tool added to Landmark

The Framing Member tool is now available in the Vectorworks Landmark product

Creating Framing Members


Additional point cloud import support

Importing point cloud information from .laz files is now supported

Importing a Point Cloud Object

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

The following table contains a list of new and improved features for the initial release of the Vectorworks 2016 software, and indicates the section where the functionality is documented and the product to which the feature applies.


New Vectorworks installation system

The new, more standardized installation system also includes an easy uninstall feature

Installing Vectorworks Products and Uninstalling Vectorworks Products


The Migration Manager

A new Migration Manager command can automatically migrate custom workspaces, preferences, templates, favorite files, and libraries to the new Vectorworks version

The Vectorworks Migration Manager


Improved support for high resolution displays on Windows

The Vectorworks products now observe the scale factor for text and user interface elements, which improves the appearance on high resolution displays

Screen Resolution


Quick access to projection and render settings

The Projection menu is added to the View bar, and the Default 3D Render mode and Default 3D Projection are added to the Quick Preferences list

The View Bar and Setting Quick Preferences


New lighting device preferences

New options allow 2D lighting geometry to point towards the focus point when focused, and 3D geometry to point down by default when not focused. The Spotlight Preferences dialog box has been rearranged to include the new preferences and to better accommodate smaller screens.

Spotlight Setup


Standardized attribute names

The attribute names in the Custom Tools, Eyedropper Preferences, and Select Similar Preferences dialog boxes were made consistent with each other, as well as with other dialog boxes and palettes

Selecting Similar Objects, Transferring Attributes, and Creating Custom Tool/Attribute Scripts


Project sharing

Multiple users can now work within the same Vectorworks project at the same time

Project Sharing

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Option to disable in-place editing of referenced resources

A new option on the Reference Settings dialog box controls whether a resource referenced from another file can be edited from this file

Setting the Referencing Options


Resource library reorganization

The resource libraries have been reorganized for more logical groupings and easier access. Please see the Libraries-Index and Product Matrix.pdf file to find files that may have moved during the reorganization. Also, library content is no longer marked with a fingerprint.

Resource Libraries


New Vectorworks library content

More than 150 new content libraries that were previously exclusive to Vectorworks Service Select members are being made available to all users this year, on a per-product basis. Vectorworks Service Select members are gaining exclusive access to a new set of content libraries.

Vectorworks Libraries

Not applicable

Vectorworks Package Manager improvements

Installation of Vectorworks libraries is now easier and more consistent across platforms

Installing Vectorworks Libraries


Expand/collapse all groups in Resource Browser

Improves navigation in the Resource Browser by adding the ability to expand or collapse all resource groups simultaneously using a shortcut key

Hiding and Showing Resources


Replacing deleted resources

When deleting a resource from the Resource Browser, you can now select a replacement resource to use for instances of the deleted resource

Deleting or Replacing Resources


Streamline selection of symbols for insertion and replacement

The Symbol Insertion tool now offers a list of available symbols on the Tool bar to streamline selection of symbols for insertion in the drawing. A new list format also makes it easier to select replacement symbols.

The Symbol Insertion Tool, Replacing Existing Symbols, and Deleting Symbol Resources


Replace symbol class

When replacing a symbol instance or a symbol resource in a drawing, you now have the option of whether to replace or retain the symbol’s class

Replacing Existing Symbols and Deleting Symbol Resources


Cone tool change

Renamed the Set Extrusion Height dialog box to Set Cone Height for better accuracy

Creating Cones


New Create Solid Section from Grade Objects command

The new command allows you to create a solid section from grade objects. Also, the Grade tool and Create 3D Loci at Grade Points command are now available in all Design Series products.

Creating a Solid Section from Grade Objects

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

New subdivision objects

The new Create Subdivision Primitive command and Edit Subdivision tool allow you to easily model free-form shapes, to explore your most creative design concepts

Creating Subdivision Models and Modeling Subdivision Objects


Roof framer alignment to a roof component

Now that roof faces and roof objects can have components, the framing can be aligned to the top or bottom of a selected component for certain framing types

Framing a Roof


New Slab Style From Unstyled Slab context menu

Now you can create a slab style from an unstyled slab using a convenient context menu command, like the one available for walls and roofs

Creating Slab Styles

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Datums at slab component bottoms

The datum reference point for a slab can now be set to either the top or the bottom of the designated component

Creating Slab Styles

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

3D modifiers for slab objects

Slabs can now be edited by 3D objects, which allows for modifications like support beams, drainage features, and sloped ramps

Editing Slab Geometry

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Streamline assignment of wall and slab styles

The Wall Style list and Slab Style list on the Tool bar now display thumbnail views of all resources available for selection

Drawing Straight Walls and Drawing Slabs Manually

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

IFC data for wall, slab, and roof styles

IFC data can now be set from the wall, slab, and roof style dialog boxes. The information on the Data tab of each Preferences dialog box matches the IFC data that can be set and propagated through the style. The IFC data of styles can be attached or edited from the Resource Browser through the IFC Data context menu command.

Using Wall Styles, Creating Curtain Walls, Using Slab Styles, Using Roof Styles

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Context menu for editing wall, slab, and roof styles and improved story access and message bar information

A wall, slab, or roof style can be edited from the Object Info palette or from a new context menu command. In the Vectorworks Architect program, access the Stories tab of the Organization dialog box from the Object Info palette of a wall; improvements have been made to messages about walls and components bound to story levels that have not yet been created.

Editing Wall Styles, Wall Properties, Editing Slab Styles, Editing Roof Styles

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Always Auto Join in Capped Join Mode option for wall components

A new setting allows you to determine whether wall components with the same fill are joined in a capped or mitered configuration

Defining Components for New Walls

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Y-joined walls remain joined when walls are replaced

Now when a wall is replaced, either explicitly or by editing an existing wall style, all established Y wall joins are maintained

Y Wall Joins

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Roof components and styles

Roof objects and roof face objects can now have components; roof settings and component appearance can be saved in a new roof style resource. The interaction of the components of intersecting walls and roofs can be specifically defined.

Using Roof Styles, Creating Roof Components, Roof and Wall Associations

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Sliding windows

Adds new functionality for the creation of two-, three-, and four-panel sliding windows

Window Settings: General Pane

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Additional window sash options

Windows can now be configured to use the Fixed Glass - No Sash configuration; corner post windows can now be configured to use the Flush Glass - No Sash configuration

Window Settings: General Pane

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Corner window improvements

Adds the following functionality to corner windows:

    The Span Wall option enables the creation of a window spanning an entire wall, with mitered corners at the wall corners

    Corner windows with a mitered sash and corner post can now have muntins

    Corner windows with a corner post can now use all sash operations

    The Corner Condition of corner windows can now be set to Cased Opening

Window Settings: Corner Window Pane

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Louver windows

Adds louver functionality to the Window tool

Window Settings: Louvers Pane

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Glazing thickness for doors and windows

A new option adds the ability to set the glazing thickness for doors and windows and include glazing thickness data in door and window schedules and worksheets

Inserting Doors in Vectorworks Design Series

Inserting Windows in Vectorworks Design Series

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Door threshold improvement

The door threshold elevation can now be adjusted

Door Settings: Threshold Pane

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Door hardware position

Adds the ability to specify the position of door hardware on the door leaf

Door Settings: Hardware Pane


Updated location of the door hardware library file

The door hardware library file is now found in the Libraries/Defaults folder, making door hardware more accessible

Assigning, Creating, Editing, and Deleting Door Hardware Sets


Rotating the label for electrical symbols

A new setting for the Receptacle, Comm Device, Incandescent Fixture, and Switch tools allows you to automatically rotate the label along with the symbol

Inserting Receptacles, Inserting Communication Devices, Inserting Incandescent Fixtures, and Inserting Switches


Landmark Workspace Update

The following tools are now legacy tools and are no longer part of the Landmark workspace:

    Landscape Wall 

    Landscape Wall Arc 

    Landscape Wall Bézier 

The following tools are now part of the Basic tool palette of the Landmark workspace:

    Constrained Linear Dimension 

    Unconstrained Linear Dimension 

    Angular Dimension 

    Arc Length Dimension 

    Radial Dimension 

    Tape Measure 


The Site Planning tool set has been reorganized, and the wall tools have been added.



Save settings for site model dialog boxes

The Site Model Settings and site model Graphic Properties dialog boxes now allow you to save sets of parameters for subsequent use

Creating the Site Model and Setting Site Model Graphic Properties

Architect, Landmark

An option allows you to select which design layers can modify the site model

A custom set of design layers can be selected for modifying the proposed site model

Creating the Site Model

Architect, Landmark

Site model flow arrow and attribute by class enhancements

Site model flow arrows can be scaled to adjust their length automatically based on the terrain; existing and proposed flow arrows can be placed in separate classes for improved control over attributes and display. Automatically set graphic properties of site model attributes “by class” with one click.

Creating the Site Model, Setting Site Model Graphic Properties

Architect, Landmark

Site Modifiers tool improvements

The Site Modifiers tool has a new set of mode icons in the Tool bar, and a new Contour mode for creating open pads. There is only one elevation parameter now, eliminating confusion about additive elevation parameters. Site modifiers can now be simplified, providing control over the modifier’s effects on the site model.

Site Model Modification Overview

Architect, Landmark

Bank slope support for site modifiers

The pad and pad with retaining edge site modifiers can now have banked slopes. It is now much easier to make two pads meet at a specific elevation.

Creating a Pad or Pad with Retaining Edge

Architect, Landmark

Create Grade Limits from Pad command slope definition options

Now the batter slope method of specifying the grade limits offset can be defined by angle, rise over run, or a percentage

Creating Grade Limits Automatically


Hardscape tool improvements

The Hardscape tool has many new capabilities including

    creating a sloped hardscape

    varying the height of the border

    more natural editing of the underlying slab for 3D Type slab

    easy selection of existing hardscape resources from the Tool bar

    the addition of site model surface parameters to the Object Info palette for easy reference

    options to pave boundary configured hardscape objects with a radial pattern and path configured hardscape objects with a curved path pattern

Creating Hardscape Objects, Editing the Hardscape Object Settings, and Setting Hardscape Pattern Options


Option to show grade object lengths below the slope arrow

The Grade tool now offers an option to show projected/surface length values below the slope arrow

Inserting Grade Objects

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Stake object elevation units control

For stake objects with a Label Reference that includes the elevation, you can now specify the elevation units and precision

Inserting Stake Objects

Architect, Landmark

Georeferencing projections enabled for Vectorworks Architect

All of the projection options that were formerly only available in Vectorworks Landmark are now also available for Vectorworks Architect users

Projection Options

Architect, Landmark

Clarify the different methods of establishing plant properties

The dialog boxes used to set plant properties have been changed to clarify which dialog box establishes preferences for the plants to be placed and which dialog box edits selected plant instances already in the drawing. The dialog box changes also help distinguish between these methods of setting properties for plant instances and the plant definition.

Plants Overview, Adding Plants to the Design, and Editing Plants


Tight integration between plant definitions and the plant database

Tighter integration of plant definitions with the Vectorworks Plant Database makes two-way communication between these information sources easier than ever

Creating Plant Definitions and The Plant Database


Extended customization in landscape area tags

You can now create multiple lines of data for the header and body of custom landscape area tags

Creating a Custom Landscape Area Tag


New schedules for the Vectorworks Landmark product

Three schedules have been added:

    Landscape Area-Hydrozone Information

    Landscape Area-Water Budget

    Site Slope Analysis

Creating Landscape Area Schedules and Creating Schedules Automatically


Specify curved truss by diameter

To better meet industry standards, curved trusses now use an outside diameter measurement rather than a radius measurement

Inserting a Curved Truss


Label containers shown in the Label Legend

When editing the layout of a label legend, any label containers display for placement relative to the label text

Formatting the Label Legend


Improved symbol selection for the Lighting Instrument tool and the Lighting Accessory tool

New symbol lists on the Tool bar streamline selection of lighting instrument symbols and lighting accessory symbols. Additionally, a new Spotlight preference lets you specify the default insertion angle for the lighting instrument’s placement extension line.

Inserting Instruments, Inserting Multi-circuit Instruments , Inserting Accessories, and Lighting Device Setup


Assign a default class to focus point objects

The Focus Point tool now allows you to set a default class for subsequently placed focus point objects

Creating a Focus Point Object


Improvements to the photometric tools

Specifying threshold values and color ranges for photometric tools is much easier with a new dialog box. In addition, labels now display in 3D views. Photometric grid objects can be tilted to follow raked or sloped stages.

Obtaining Photometric Data


Remove items from lighting inventory

Lighting devices can now be easily removed from the inventory when setting up and managing the inventory

Lighting Inventory Setup


Improved Create Stage command

The stage objects automatically created for event design now consist of the realistic stage deck and stage plug objects inserted by Vectorworks Spotlight tools

Creating the Stage


Hoist tools

A new suite of commands and tools assists with the design and documentation of overhead stage rigging equipment

Hoist Tools


Purge identical objects

The Purge command can now purge identical duplicate objects from the drawing, within groups, or within symbols

Purging Items from a File


New align/distribute by insertion point option

The Align/Distribute and Align/Distribute 3D commands now allow you to align plug-in objects and symbols by their insertion points. Additionally, the Align/Distribute context menu command allows you to right-click/Ctrl-click on the object to use as the alignment reference.

Aligning and Distributing Objects and Aligning and Distributing Objects in 3D


Reshape tool support for arcs and lines

The Reshape tool now modifies arcs and lines

2D Reshape Modes


Eyedropper and Select Similar tool architectural attributes

The Eyedropper and Select Similar tools now function with wall, slab, and roof thickness, components, and styles

Transferring Attributes and Selecting Similar Objects


Eyedropper tool support for dimensions

The Eyedropper Preferences dialog box now has options to transfer attributes between dimensions, including text position, dimension standard, witness line display, leader/trailer text, and other miscellaneous attributes

Transferring Attributes


New Gamer mode for the Walkthrough tool

Similar to many video games, Gamer mode allows you to use the keyboard and mouse to navigate through 3D models



Horizontal sections from clip cubes

You can now create a section viewport from the top or bottom face of a clip cube, to make it easier to create horizontal sections

Creating a Section Viewport from a Clip Cube

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Renderworks Camera object usability improvements

Renderworks Camera objects are now easier than ever to position and edit, to create precisely the right view for presentation

Setting a Camera View in Renderworks


New Renderworks camera effects

For Custom Renderworks or Final Quality Renderworks rendering modes, the Renderworks camera offers new photography effects, such as depth of field and exposure, to help create the effect needed for presentation

Setting a Camera View in Renderworks


Compact mode for radial dimensions

For radial dimensions with the Arrows Inside option enabled, the new Compact option shortens the dimension line to 1/3 of the actual radius being dimensioned

Editing Dimension Properties


New North arrow configuration

Adds a new North arrow configuration for use with various international standards

Creating North Arrows

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Elevation benchmark improvement

Benchmark elevations can now be prefixed with a plus or plus-minus sign for use with various international standards

Creating Elevation Benchmarks

Architect, Landmark

Slope Dimension tool improvements

Adds the percentage and ratio slope dimension styles to the Slope Dimension tool for use with various international standards

Indicating the Slope of Surfaces

Architect, Landmark

Extended shoulder in Callout tool

The Callout tool now provides an option to extend the leader’s shoulder to the end of the note text itself rather than to the edge of the bubble

Inserting Callouts or Keynotes


Direct editing of worksheet cells

You can now double-click an editable worksheet cell and edit the contents directly. The previous editing method is still available: select the cell and then edit the contents from the Formula bar.

Editing Cell Contents


New worksheet functions

For Vectorworks Design Series users, new functions are available to report space names and numbers, roof style names, and energy data

Worksheet Functions

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

New worksheet functions

Several new functions report values for the components of walls, round walls, roofs, roof faces, and slabs. Components can now be specified by name or class, instead of only by the index.

Worksheet Functions


New worksheet formula to run scripts

The RunScript function allows you to run a VectorScript or Python script from a worksheet. This allows you to retrieve data that is not otherwise accessible from drawing objects.

Worksheet Functions and Running Scripts from Worksheets


Energy analysis

The integrated Energos energy analysis module calculates the energy performance of a building, providing you with numerical and graphical feedback that you can use for evaluation, even if you are not an energy analysis professional. Building elements like walls, roofs, slabs, spaces, windows, and doors now include energy analysis parameters since they are a critical part of energy analysis calculations.

Energos Energy Analysis Module


Improvements to panoramic render backgrounds

The Image Environment (HDRI) Renderworks background is renamed Panoramic Image to reflect the feature’s increased flexibility to use JPG and PNG files, in addition to HDR and OpenEXR files. Additionally, Physical Sky and Panoramic Image backgrounds are now shown in OpenGL render mode and during OpenGL previews in Renderworks render modes.

Creating Panoramic Image Backgrounds


Renderworks grass shader

A new color shader creates realistic grassy areas

Color Shaders


New render progress bar

A new progress bar in the bottom right of the drawing window displays the time used for rendering in Renderworks, Hidden Line, and Polygon render modes to help compare render times for different settings and hardware

Optimizing Rendering Performance


OpenGL rendering improvements

Anti-aliasing in OpenGL is improved for a better appearance. Additionally, changes to any parameter in the OpenGL Option dialog box and the ambient lighting parameters in the Lighting Options dialog box automatically trigger an instant re-render to help you assess your changes and adjust the values more quickly.

Setting Lighting Options and OpenGL Options


New ambient occlusion rendering option

Adds soft shadows to areas of the model where objects meet, such as corners, crevices, and overhangs

Ambient Light and Sunlight


Renderworks rendering appearance improvements

New features to improve the appearance of Renderworks renderings include a caustics lighting effect for reflective and refractive materials, environment reflections to show a different background reflected in glass and metal surfaces than behind the object, a new portal effect for exterior windows to change how light is processed through the glazing, the ability for backlit shaders to be treated as an indirect light source, the ability to set the thickness of OpenGL drawn edges, and an easy method for creating semitransparent image masks

Light Source Properties, Setting Indirect Lighting Options, Reflectivity Shaders , OpenGL Options, and Mask Transparency


Renderworks rendering engine upgrade

The new physical rendering engine improves the overall quality of renderings, with better effects such as soft shadows, reflections, and other lighting effects. It also provides fast, full-screen previews and allows you to continue to work in a design layer while rendering, to create a highly interactive environment.

Rendering with Renderworks, Custom Renderworks Options, Creating Renderworks Styles, and Ambient Light and Sunlight


Section–Elevation Marker tool improvements

Adds the ability to include text with the marker, and includes several new marker styles for use with various international standards

Properties of Section Lines and Section-Elevation Markers


Linked markers

Individual detail-callout markers and section-elevation markers can now be linked to a viewport. This allows multiple markers to be synced to the same viewport.

Detail-Callout Markers and Detail Callout Instances, Section Lines and Section-Elevation Markers

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Flattened design layer section viewports show as hidden line in wireframe

Flattened design layer section viewports can now optionally be displayed as hidden line renderings for a cleaner appearance when in Wireframe rendering mode

Viewport Properties

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Automatic scaling of markers in sheet layer viewports

Markers can automatically scale according to viewport scale

Advanced Sheet Layer Viewport Properties


Import point cloud objects into Vectorworks

Import 3D scanned data into Vectorworks Design Series products

Importing a Point Cloud Object

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

OBJ file import

The Vectorworks application now supports OBJ file import

Importing in OBJ Format (3D only)


Export 3D PDF (3D only)

Export 3D models in .pdf format, so that they can be manipulated in applications such as Bluebeam’s Revu and Adobe’s Acrobat Reader

Exporting in 3D PDF Format (3D only)

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Previous Vectorworks version export changes

Export of Vectorworks files to previous versions is now limited to the last five released versions of the Vectorworks program; they are listed in descending order from most recent to oldest compatible file version in the Export menu

Exporting to an Earlier Version of the Vectorworks Program


Export font subsets to PDF

Export subsets of fonts that include only the characters used in the document to decrease the PDF file size

Single PDF File Export

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Import STL Files

Vectorworks now supports stereolithography (STL) file import

Importing and Exporting in STL Format


Parasolid version update

Vectorworks now exports to Parasolid X_T version 28

Exporting in Parasolid X_T Format (3D only)


Improved DXF/DWG export

Improvements include:

    Export of classes from design layer viewports: adds a new option to create a consolidated exported layer name from multiple variations of referenced classes with the same name in the Vectorworks program

    Export of sheet layer viewports: invisible classes set not to export are no longer exported as hidden classes

    Mapping Vectorworks classes to DXF/DWG layers: Vectorworks classes can now be configured to export to specific layers according to client or regional standards

DXF/DWG and DWF Export Options and Mapping Layer and Class Names

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

SDK support for creating custom IFC property sets

New functions in the Vectorworks SDK can create or import a custom property set

Using Custom IFC Property Sets

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Integrate Vectorworks Cloud Services with Vectorworks

(Vectorworks Service Select subscription required)

The new Cloud menu integrates Vectorworks Cloud Services functionality into the Vectorworks application. The desktop app commands for setting up, maintaining, and monitoring cloud processing are now available from this menu. Additionally, the Publish command allows you to publish selected sheet layers and saved views to your cloud library in PDF, DWG/DXF, DWF, and image formats.

Batch Publishing


Publish command usability improvements

    Double-click in the available list to add items to the publish list, and double-click in the publish list to remove items from the publish list

    Select multiple saved sets to recall from the Manage Saved Sets dialog box

    Print jobs are now named after the sheet layer or saved view being printed, to make them easier to identify

    Enter a Prefix Name to append to publish item names, to make them easier to identify

Batch Publishing


Script editor improvements

Adds new functionality, including code-aware coloring of text, and the ability to collapse code

Creating Scripts


Visual scripting

The new Marionette tool algorithmically generates geometry and other Vectorworks objects using a flow-chart like language; over 600 nodes (basic building blocks) are provided to help you start scripting.

Visual Scripting

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Database connection capabilities for IFC and ODBC improvements

IFC and COBie records can now be linked to an external database. In addition, performance has been improved when searching within record fields.

Creating or Editing and Connecting IFC/COBie Properties

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Vectorworks Site Protection Server installer

A new installer on both server and client machines automatically installs all the necessary components for using the Vectorworks Site Protection Server. The software is automatically registered as a Windows Service (Windows) or daemon (Mac) by default. In addition, the documentation has been improved and includes ISV options, RLM options, and startup options.

Vectorworks Site Protection Server


Mac OS X palette docking

Adds palette docking functionality to Mac

Docking Palettes


Wall, slab, door, window, space, and IFC functionality in all Design Series products

The Wall, Slab, Door, Window, and Space tools now have full functionality in all Design Series products. IFC is now available in the Spotlight product.

Not applicable

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Spotlight symbols classing structure

The Spotlight product’s library symbols have a new, more detailed default classing system

Not applicable


Consolidate wall, slab, and roof component classes

To reduce large numbers of repetitive class names for default wall, slab, and roof components, the Wall-, Slab-, and Roof- prefix is no longer used for component classes. These classes now have a Components- prefix, simplifying class hierarchy.

Not applicable

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight

Export QuickTime VR Object and Export QuickTime VR Panorama commands removal

The Export QuickTime VR Object and Export QuickTime VR Panorama commands are now legacy commands, and are no longer part of any standard workspaces

Not applicable

Not applicable

Human Figure tool removal

The Human Figure tool is now a legacy tool, and is no longer part of any standard workspaces

Not applicable

Not applicable

Documentation Improvements

The following table lists major improvements to the documentation for the initial release of the Vectorworks 2016 software.


Help system improvements

The help system has a slick, new modern interface and better functionality; tabs display the Table of Contents, glossary, list of commands and tools, and search results. Topic file sizes are smaller, and they load up to 50% faster. The transition between pages is smoother.

Vectorworks Help system

Search functionality

The search tab displays search results in a pane rather than a separate page, and they are listed with the topic breadcrumbs so you can better determine which results you need. When searching for multiple terms, topics that contain all of the terms now display first in the list of search results. Search highlighting no longer includes words such as “a” and “the.”

Vectorworks Help system

Commands and tools list

A new tab lists all of the commands and tools in Vectorworks; a click on the command or tool name navigates directly to the online help section for that command or tool

Vectorworks Help system

New links to videos

Where relevant, additional links to instructional videos located on the Vectorworks channel have been added, to assist with comprehension

Vectorworks Help system

Equivalents to Revit terms

A new table provides the Vectorworks equivalents to terms and concepts commonly used in Revit

Vectorworks Equivalents to AutoCAD and Revit Terms and Concepts